result count: 8

SC_427964_1Look at me riding the Flying Stocking!
SC_427964_2Ah! Heavens! You've really found it! But wait a moment! That's not the most important thing!
SC_427964_3Are you aware that it's not finished yet? It could explode at any time! Oh no!
Sys427964_nameFlying Stocking
Sys427964_szquest_accept_detailI bet [125025|Pierrot Raischt] has hidden the Flying Stocking in a [125013|Mysterious Storage Box].\n\nHe likes hiding things in high places. If you find it, I'll let you ride the [125012|Flying Stocking] for a while. It'd be awesome if you could ride it past him a few times so he sees you...\n\nI really want to see the look on his face! Haha!
Sys427964_szquest_complete_detailWhat, you were in on this mean prank together!? My costume's been ruined yet again!\n\nDisgraceful! Now I'll have to start all over again!
Sys427964_szquest_desc[125014|Charlie Borz] thinks the [125012|Flying Stocking] has been hidden by [125025|Pierrot Raischt]. It's probably in some room in [ZONE_STERNHORN_VILLAGE|Sternhorn], in a [125013|Mysterious Storage Box].\n\nOnce you've found it, ride it past [125025|Pierrot Raischt] and put on a bit of a show with the [549968|Flying Stocking].
Sys427964_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you give out all the presents? Who knows where [125014|Charlie Borz] is hiding...