result count: 5

Sys427984_nameThe Great Library Adventure
Sys427984_szquest_accept_detailThe Storybooks here are enchanted with an unusual magic. It appears the curse placed on this young woman can be lifted by restoring things to their original order.\n\nBut after waking up, she unfortunately cannot remember which book it was that she touched. There are just too many books in this library, and they are constantly changing places almost as if they were alive...\n\nWill you help this poor, young woman?
Sys427984_szquest_complete_detailThat's it. I'm exhausted. That's enough for today.
Sys427984_szquest_descHelp [125079|Luna Wulfft] find Storybooks in the [ZONE_EVENTDGN_FES08|Secret Library] to complete 3 stories.
Sys427984_szquest_uncomplete_detailDoes it look like the curse has been lifted?