result count: 2

Sys490067_nameFlecha celestialHeavenly Arrow
Sys490067_shortnoteRezáis para obtener el poder de la Luz sagrada, y una flecha de Luz desciende del cielo provocando a los enemigos en un radio de 100. Os convertís en la person a con más aggro. Además, aumenta vuestro aggro un (Buff0-622320)% y reduce el [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Daño físico] de los ataques de vuestro objetivo en un (Buff4-0)% durante (Buff4-Time) segundos.As you pray for the power of the holy light, an arrow of light shoots down from the sky to taunt targets within a range of 100. You become the one with the most aggro. Also increases your aggro by (Buff0-622320)% and lowers the [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physical Damage] of your target's attacks by (Buff4-0)% for (Buff4-Time) seconds.