result count: 2
keystring | pl | eneu |
Sys490342_name | Kierunek Otchłani | Path of Anguish |
Sys490342_shortnote | Zwiększa [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Prędkość Ruchu] o (Buff0-0)%, a podczas ruchu wywołuje efekt [500071|Kroków w Otchłani], który zwiększa moc czarnej magii przez (Buff-Time-500071) sek. o (Buff0-500071)%. Można nałożyć do 10 razy. Efekt [500070|Kierunek Otchłani] trwa (Buff0-Time) sek. | Increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|movement speed] by (Buff0-0)% and grants you the [500071|Steps of Anguish] effect during the movement which increases dark magic power by (Buff-Time-500071)% for (Buff0-500071) seconds. Can be stacked a maximum of 10 times. The [500070|Path of Anguish] effect lasts (Buff0-Time) seconds. |