result count: 2

Sys491640_nameProtección divinaHoly Protection
Sys491640_shortnoteReduce el aggro causado en un (Buff0-0)% y aumenta la [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Defensa física] y la [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDEF|Defensa mágica] durante (Buff0-Time) segundos en un (Buff0-1)%. Si se utiliza sobre vos mismo, el aggro causado aumenta en un (Buff1-0)%._x000D_\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_LEVEL50|<CM>El nivel máximo de esta habilidad es 50.</CM>]Reduces inflicted aggro by (Buff0-0)% and increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDEF|Magical Defense] by (Buff0-1)% for (Buff0-Time) seconds. If you cast it on yourself, it will increase the inflicted aggro by (Buff1-0)%.\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_LEVEL50|<CM>The maximum level of this skill is 50.</CM>]