result count: 2

Sys492916_nameDisparo dirigidoExploiting Shot
Sys492916_shortnoteCuando logréis asestar un golpe crítico mediante un Tiro, el daño físico recibido por el objetivo aumenta un (Buff0-503169)%. El efecto dura (Buff-Time-503169) segundos.\n(Esta habilidad aumenta el daño físico recibido por el objetivo un máximo de (Max-Buff0-503169)%.)\n([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|Una vez haya finalizado el efecto, no podrá volver a activarse durante ](Buff-Time-503453)[SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| segundos.])\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_LEVEL50|<CM>El nivel máximo de esta habilidad es 50.</CM>]When your Shot makes a critical hit, you increase your targets received Physical Damage by (Buff0-503169)%. Lasts (Buff-Time-503169) seconds. \n(This skill increases the target's received Physical Damage by a maximum of (Max-Buff0-503169)%.)\n([SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_1|After the effect has ended it cannot be triggered again for ](Buff-Time-503453)[SC_SKILLTIPS_CD_2| seconds.])\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_LEVEL50|<CM>The maximum level of this skill is 50.</CM>]