result count: 2

Sys493001_nameAtaque eléctricoElectric Attack
Sys493001_shortnoteAumenta la precisión de los ataques físicos en (Buff4-0) y los ataques normales causan (Buff0-0) de daño de Viento durante (Buff0-Time) segundos.\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_492618|<CM>(No podéis tener [492618|Ataque eléctrico] y [492913|Arma de magma] al mismo tiempo.)</CM>]Increases the accuracy of your physical attacks by (Buff4-0) and causes normal attacks to deal (Buff0-0) Wind damage for (Buff0-Time) seconds.\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_492618|<CM>(You cannot have [492618|Electric Attack] and [492913|Lava Weapon] at the same time.)</CM>]