result count: 2

Sys497153_nameIntimidación deliberadaDeliberate Bullying
Sys497153_shortnoteNo puede haber un aventurero de nivel líder cerca del aventurero objetivo. Al intimidar al aventurero, centrará su atención en vos. Por ello, el aventurero no podrá adquirir un estado poseído mientras tanto.\nSi el estado poseído es superior a nivel 15, se verá reducido 3 niveles. El estado "Consideración de cambio personal" de los aldeanos cercanos aumentará 1 nivel.The area near the target adventurer can't contain a leader-level adventurer. When you are doing the bullying , the adventurer's emotions and focus will be on you. Therefore, the adventurer can't be put into a possessed state at this time. \nIf the possessed state is higher than Level 15 it will be reduced by 3 levels. The Personnel Change Consideration state of the surrounding villagers will be increased by 1 level.