result count: 2

Sys497273_nameAureola sagrada de la purezaHoly Purity Halo
Sys497273_shortnoteTras usarlo con éxito, conseguiréis el estado "Aureola sagrada de la pureza", el cual infligirá daño continuo a todos los zombis cercanos de la [ZONE_WAILING_FOREST|Arboleda del Llanto]. \n[SC_424207_04|<CS>Esta habilidad solo se puede usar sobre la montura objetivo. </CS>]After it is successfully used, you will achieve a "Holy Purity Halo" state which will cause repeated damage to nearby [ZONE_WAILING_FOREST|Wailing Forest] zombies. \n[SC_424207_04|<CS>This skill requires you to be on the target mount in order to be used. </CS>]