result count: 2

Sys498655_nameCastigo de energía oscuraDark Energy Punishment
Sys498655_shortnoteConsume un (Buff0-Dot)% de PV cada segundo y aumenta el [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Poder de ataque físico] un (Buff0-0)% y el [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Poder de ataque mágico] un (Buff0-1)%. \n(Este estado termina cuando se haya consumido todos los PV.)\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_LEVEL50|<CM>El nivel máximo de esta habilidad es 50.</CM>]Consumes (Buff0-Dot)% HP every second and increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] by (Buff0-0)% and [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] by (Buff0-1)%. \n(This state ends when HP has been exhausted.)\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_LEVEL50|<CM>The maximum level of this skill is 50.</CM>]