result count: 2

Sys499949_nameGrilletes espiritualesSpirit Shackles
Sys499949_shortnotePermite utilizar [499950|Guía espiritual] con los jugadores, pero no los convierte en amistosos. De hecho, hace que el jugador objetivo sea incapaz de moverse, atacar y utilizar hechizos. La [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL_PASSIVE|Curación recibida] también se reduce en un (Buff0-623093)%.Allows your [499950|Spirit Guidance] to be used on players, but it won't make them become friendly. In fact it makes the target player unable to move, attack or cast spells. [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL_PASSIVE|Received Healing] is also reduced by (Buff0-623093)%.