Anzahl Ergebnisse: 2
keystring | de | eneu |
Sys501827_name | Heilige Kraftexplosion | Holy Power Explosion |
Sys501827_shortnote | Stellt alle 2 Sekunden (Buff-Dot)% MP wieder her und erhöht die gesamte durch Angriffe verursachte Aggro um (Buff0)%. Während Ihr Heilung erfahrt, werden ebenfalls (Buff-Time) Sekunden lang (DMG-500314) Eurer MP wiederhergestellt. | Restores your MP by (Buff-Dot)% every 2 seconds and increases all the aggro of the attacks by (Buff0)%. While you are receiving healing, your MP will be also restored by (DMG-500314) for (Buff-Time) seconds. |