result count: 2

Sys509183_nameEntrega de misiónMission Delivery
Sys509183_shortnoteLas fuerzas del frente se están debilitando. El [SC_EYEOFWISDOM|Ojo de la Sabiduría] necesita aventureros que lleven [<S>105441|Carros con suministros] al [SC_BLOCK_01|Punto de defensa] del [ZONE_BROKEN_GROUNDS|Reino de Deliya] cuanto antes.Logistics at the front are getting dire. The [SC_EYEOFWISDOM|Eye of Wisdom] needs adventurers to drive [<S>105441|Supply Carts] to [ZONE_BROKEN_GROUNDS|Deliya's Realm] [SC_BLOCK_01|Defense Point] as quickly as possible!