result count: 2

Sys530206_nameDragonfang Ridge Explorer
Sys530206_shortnote[SC_QTITLE_TIP01|Obtain the following titles:]\n\nObtain title "[530151|Kadmos Trading Post Sojourner]" \nObtain title "[530152|Fiergen Tundra Traverser]" \nObtain title "[530153|Ice Dwarf Studies Specialist]" \nObtain title "[530154|I've been to the Ruins of the Kingdom]" \nObtain title "[530155|Twice to the Ruins of the Kingdom]" \nObtain title "[530156|Awerka Tundra Traverser]" \nObtain title "[530178|I'm not afraid of hardship]" \nObtain title "[530179|Overthrower of Uguda the Red Thunder]" \nObtain title "[530180|Marl Outpost Support Troop]" \nObtain title "[530181|Locota Mercenary Regiment Soldier]" \nObtain title "[530182|Gordon Mercenary Regiment Soldier]" \nObtain title "[530183|Shaved Gnoll Pelt]" \n\n[SC_QTITLE_TIP02|After fulfilling the abovementioned conditions, please press the "Check" button to receive your title.]