result count: 11

SC_545159_1You can now learn new class skills from instructors! (Empty class fields required)
SC_545159_2You have obtained the class of the Warrior. You may speak to [117291|Nicole Rebecca] at any time to set this as your primary class.
SC_545159_3You have obtained the class of the Scout. You may speak to [117291|Nicole Rebecca] at any time to set this as your primary class.
SC_545159_4You have obtained the class of the Rogue. You may speak to [117291|Nicole Rebecca] at any time to set this as your primary class.
SC_545159_5You have obtained the class of the Mage. You may speak to [117291|Nicole Rebecca] at any time to set this as your primary class.
SC_545159_6You have obtained the class of the Priest. You may speak to [117291|Nicole Rebecca] at any time to set this as your primary class.
SC_545159_7You have obtained the class of the Knight. You may speak to [117291|Nicole Rebecca] at any time to set this as your primary class.
SC_545159_8You have obtained the class of the Warden. You may speak to [117291|Nicole Rebecca] at any time to set this as your primary class.
SC_545159_9You have obtained the class of the Druid. You may speak to [117291|Nicole Rebecca] at any time to set this as your primary class.
Sys545159_nameGood Reputation
Sys545159_shortnoteYou have a good reputation among the instructors, now they are willing to teach you the skills of your class.