result count: 2

Sys622536_nameAmuleto astral de FortalezaStar Amulet of Fortitude
Sys622536_shortnoteRecibís la bendición de la [SC_STARPET_05|Mascota zodiacal]. Aumentan vuestra\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_CRI|Tasa de golpes físicos críticos] y vuestra [SC_SKILLTIPS_MCRI|Tasa de golpes mágicos críticos] en un (Buff0).\n\n[SC_SHOP_ITEM_UNTIL_TIME|<CY>(La duración del efecto incluye el tiempo sin conexión.)</CY>]You receive the blessing from the [SC_STARPET_05|Zodiac Pet]. Increases\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_CRI|Critical Physical Hit Rate] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MCRI|Critical Magical Hit Rate] by (Buff0).\n\n[SC_SHOP_ITEM_UNTIL_TIME|<CY>(Effect duration also includes offline time.)</CY>]