result count: 3

Sys624361_nameKroki OtchłaniAbyss Footsteps
Sys624361_name_pluralKroki OtchłaniAbyss Footsteps
Sys624361_shortnoteZwiększa [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Prędkość Ruchu] o (Buff0)% i wywołuje efekt [624362|Kroków w Otchłani] podczas ruchu. Zwiększa także siłę ataku magią Mroku o (Buff0-624362)% na (Buff-Time-624362) sekund. Można skumulować do 10 razy.Increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] by (Buff0)% and obtains the effect of [624362|Steps in the Abyss] during the movement. Also increases your dark attribute magic power by (Buff0-624362)% for (Buff-Time-624362) seconds. Can be stacked a maximum of 10 times.