result count: 2

Sys626477_nameDatos corruptosData Corruption
Sys626477_shortnoteCada [626478|transformación en objeto digital] durante el [SC_10YEAR_EVENT_NAME|<CG>evento de descifrado en la [ZONE_MYSTERIAL_ROOM|Sala de los Códigos Secretos]</CG>] se guarda. Cuantos más puntos de transformación recibáis, menos [243901|Cubos secretos] recibiréis tras completar el evento.The number of times you are transformed into a [626478|Digital Artifact] in the <CG>[ZONE_MYSTERIAL_ROOM|Enigma Zone] during the [SC_10YEAR_EVENT_NAME|Decryption Event]</CG> is recorded. Each transformation reduces the number of [243901|Enigma Cubes] you receive after the event.