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Sys623052_nameStofflängeCloth Length
Sys623052_name_pluralStofflängenCloth Lengths
Sys623052_shortnoteDie Gesamtlänge des bisher fertig gestellten Stoffes.The current overall length of the finished cloth.
Sys623061_nameHandgelenksschlagWrist Attack
Sys623061_name_pluralHandgelenksschlägeWrist Attacks
Sys623061_shortnoteSenkt für (Buff-Time) Sekunden den [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physischen Schaden] des Gegners um (Buff0)% und den [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magischen Schaden] um (Buff1)%.Reduces enemy [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physical Damage] by (Buff0)% and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magical Damage] by (Buff1)% for (Buff-Time) seconds.
Sys623066_nameNebel der VerwesungPutrefying Fog
Sys623066_name_pluralNebel der VerwesungPutrefying Fog
Sys623066_shortnoteVerringert die [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physische Verteidigung] um (Buff0)%.\nVerringert die [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDEF|Magische Verteidigung] um (Buff0)%.\nVerringert die [SC_SKILLTIPS_HP|Maximal-LP] um (Buff0)%.\nDer Status kann an andere Personen übertragen werden , auch an [106210|Mazzren].Reduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] by (Buff0)%.\nReduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDEF|Magical Defense] by (Buff0)%.\nReduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_HP|Maximum HP] by (Buff0)%.\nThis state can be transferred to others, including [106210|Mazzren].
Sys623067_nameVerwesungsunterbrechungStalled Decay
Sys623067_name_pluralVerwesungsunterbrechungStalled Decay
Sys623067_shortnote[106210|Mazzren] wurde durch [491627|Nebel der Verwesung] gestört und die [491585|Mazzren-Energie] wurde unterbrochen.[106210|Mazzren] was disturbed by the [491627|Putrefying Fog], interrupting the [491585|Mazzrenic Energy].
Sys623068_nameLichtverbindungLight Connection
Sys623068_name_pluralLichtverbindungLight Connections
Sys623068_shortnoteErhöht [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Bewegungsgeschwindigkeit] um (Buff0)% und erzeugt einen Schild, der Schaden um (Buff1)% verringert.Increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] by (Buff0)% and creates a shield that reduces damage by (Buff1)%.
Sys623069_nameVom Winde VerwehtGone with the Wind
Sys623069_name_pluralVom Winde VerwehtGone with the Wind
Sys623069_shortnoteDie gesamte Aggro wird entfernt und der Kampf verlassen.Remove all Aggro and leave battle.
Sys623070_nameWindrückkehrWind Return
Sys623070_name_pluralWindrückkehrWind Return
Sys623070_shortnoteErhöht für (Buff-Time) [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physische Angriffskraft] um (Buff0)% und [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magische Angriffskraft] um (Buff1)% und stellt für (Buff-Time) Sekunden alle 2 Sekunden (Buff-Dot-623083) LP wieder her.Increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] by (Buff0)% and [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] by (Buff1)% and restores (Buff-Dot-623083) HP every 2 seconds for (Buff-Time) seconds.
Sys623072_shortnoteErhöht die Heilkraft von [499542|Erneuerung].Increases the healing amount of [499542|Revival].
Sys623073_nameGefühlssperreEmotional Obstruction
Sys623073_name_pluralGefühlssperreEmotional Obstruction
Sys623073_shortnoteVioletter Nebel verringert Euren magischen Schaden vorübergehend um (Buff0) % und Eure Präzision um (Buff0-623091) %.Purple fog temporarily reduces your magical damage by (Buff0)% and your accuracy by (Buff0-623091)%.
Sys623074_nameGefühlssperreEmotional Obstruction
Sys623074_name_pluralGefühlssperreEmotional Obstruction
Sys623074_shortnoteVioletter Nebel verringert Euren magischen Schaden vorübergehend um (Buff0) % und Eure Präzision um (Buff0-623092) %.Purple fog temporarily reduces your magical damage by (Buff0)% and your accuracy by (Buff0-623092)%.

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Anzahl Seiten: 8199