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Sys623318_namePhantom Shield
Sys623318_name_pluralPhantom Shields
Sys623321_nameGiant Dragon's Strength
Sys623321_name_pluralGiant Dragon's Strength
Sys623324_nameBeing Grazed
Sys623324_name_pluralBeing Grazed
Sys623328_nameSummon Fairy Angry Sheep
Sys623331_nameBlack Curse Descent
Sys623331_name_pluralBlack Curse Descent
Sys623331_shortnoteThe unknown curse from the corpses has moved to your body. You're in great pain. [120990|Sismond] is coldly watching you. It seems that he wants to say something.
Sys623332_nameThe Extent of a Beatdown
Sys623332_name_pluralThe Extent of a Beatdown
Sys623337_nameForest Hugehorn
Sys623337_name_pluralForest Hugehorns
Sys623337_shortnote[SC_MOUNTBUFF|Increases movement speed by (Buff0)%.]
Sys623338_nameGreen Devil Tortoise
Sys623338_name_pluralGreen Devil Tortoises
Sys623338_shortnote[SC_MOUNTBUFF|Increases movement speed by (Buff0)%.]
Sys623340_shortnoteRestores (Buff-Dot) HP every 2 seconds.
Sys623349_nameDeep Roots
Sys623349_name_pluralBriar Bind
Sys623349_shortnoteEntwining briars immobilize you.
Sys623352_nameMuscle-Tearing Pierce
Sys623352_name_pluralMuscle-Tearing Pierce
Sys623352_shortnoteDecreases [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] by (Buff0)%.
Sys623353_shortnoteLose (Buff-Dot)% HP every second.

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