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Sys623787_nameWarmth Barrier
Sys623787_name_pluralWarmth Barrier
Sys623787_shortnoteYou won't suffer any damage!
Sys623788_nameRay of Time
Sys623788_name_pluralRay of Time
Sys623789_nameRay of Time
Sys623789_name_pluralRay of Time
Sys623790_namePrivate Wedding Hall Rental Certificate
Sys623790_shortnoteCertificate for renting a Private Wedding Hall. You can reenter the selected wedding location as long as the certificate is in effect.
Sys623791_namePrivate Wedding Hall Invitation Certificate
Sys623791_shortnoteCertificate for the invitation to a Private Wedding Hall. Effect disappears after going offline.
Sys623795_nameEnergy Dissipation
Sys623795_name_pluralEnergy Dissipation
Sys623798_nameSpace Freeze
Sys623798_name_pluralSpace Freeze
Sys623798_shortnoteThe space has immediately frozen.
Sys623801_nameElemental Imprisonment
Sys623803_nameTwisted Soul
Sys623803_name_pluralTwisted Souls
Sys623803_shortnoteInflicts (Buff-Dot) damage every 2 seconds and decreases the healing you receive by (Buff0)%.
Sys623804_nameSummon Love Elemental
Sys623804_name_pluralSummon Love Elemental
Sys623805_nameSummon True Love Crystal
Sys623805_name_pluralSummon True Love Crystal
Sys623806_nameElemental Imprisonment
Sys623807_nameBreath of Harmony
Sys623808_nameRay of Time
Sys623808_name_pluralRay of Time
Sys623809_nameEnergy Dissipation
Sys623809_name_pluralEnergy Dissipation

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