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Sys623877_nameBlood Infection
Sys623877_name_pluralBlood Infection
Sys623877_shortnoteReduces HP by (Buff-Dot) every second.
Sys623881_nameFood Prepared with Substances
Sys623881_name_pluralFood Prepared with Substances
Sys623884_nameRed Device
Sys623885_nameYellow Device
Sys623886_nameBlue Device
Sys623888_namePoison Water
Sys623888_name_pluralPoison Water
Sys623888_shortnoteThe water is poisonous. Extremely poisonous.
Sys623893_nameHoly Flame
Sys623893_name_pluralHoly Flames
Sys623893_shortnoteA faint Holy Flame. The Holy Fire Altar can only be ignited with this faint flame.
Sys623894_nameFlower Protection Palm
Sys623894_name_pluralFlower Protection Palms
Sys623901_nameIncreased Gathering Speed
Sys623901_shortnoteIncreases gathering speed by (Buff0)%
Sys623902_nameIncreased Gathering XP
Sys623902_shortnoteIncreases gathering XP by (Buff0)%
Sys623903_nameIncreased Gathering Amount
Sys623903_shortnoteIncreases gathering amount by (Buff0)%
Sys623904_nameIncreased Quest XP and TP
Sys623904_shortnoteIncreases XP gained by completing quests by (Buff0)%, and TP by (Buff0)%.
Sys623905_nameQuest TP Increase
Sys623905_shortnoteIncreases TP gained by completing quests by (Buff0)%.
Sys623911_nameSpirit Punishment
Sys623911_name_pluralSpirit Punishment
Sys623911_shortnoteAll damage will be reflected towards the opponent.
Sys623914_nameEnergy Decline

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