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Sys625040_name_pluralNature of Decay
Sys625040_shortnoteEven though the putrid secretions cannot be destroyed, attacks can at least slow it down.
Sys625041_shortnoteWhen the putrid secretions are attacked and sent fleeing, their movement is increasingly limited.
Sys625042_nameDecaying Layer
Sys625042_name_pluralDecaying Layers
Sys625042_shortnoteKatbalbus has already reabsorbed some of the putrid secretions and is preparing for the next absorption attack.
Sys625045_nameStumbling Block
Sys625045_name_pluralStumbling Blocks
Sys625045_shortnoteThe momentum of the mudballs knocks you over!
Sys625047_nameMud Slick
Sys625047_name_pluralMud Slicks
Sys625047_shortnoteYou are floored by the slick!
Sys625048_namePoisoned Grub
Sys625048_name_pluralPoisoned Grub
Sys625048_shortnote[SC_29IN_BOSS4_FATAL|Your neck feels as if someone had just sliced it open with a blade. You realize the end is near.]
Sys625052_namePoison Cloud
Sys625052_name_pluralPoison Clouds
Sys625052_shortnoteWoe betide the poor creature which rests. The corrosive poison will obliterate them. Run! Run for your life!
Sys625054_nameFirst Mistake
Sys625054_name_pluralFirst Mistakes
Sys625054_shortnoteThat was the first error. Death approaches steadily with every further mistake.
Sys625055_nameSecond Mistake
Sys625055_name_pluralSecond Mistakes
Sys625055_shortnoteThat was the second mistake. [108400|Sismond] will show no quarter to anyone getting in his way.
Sys625056_nameThird Mistake
Sys625056_name_pluralThird Mistakes
Sys625056_shortnoteThat was the third mistake.
Sys625057_nameFinal Mistake

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