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Sys625088_name_pluralMadness Attacks
Sys625088_shortnote[SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] is increased by (Buff0)%.
Sys625089_nameTo the Bone
Sys625089_name_pluralTo the Bone
Sys625089_shortnote[SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] is reduced by (Buff0)%.
Sys625090_nameDeep Wound
Sys625090_name_pluralDeep Wounds
Sys625090_shortnoteSince the armor is badly damaged, [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] is heavily reduced by (Buff0)%.
Sys625091_nameBlood Odor
Sys625091_name_pluralBlood Odors
Sys625091_shortnoteYou injure yourself on the rough edges of your shattered armor. The fresh smell of blood attracts [108290|Mad Eye].
Sys625097_nameAdur's Hysteria
Sys625097_name_pluralAdur's Hysteria
Sys625097_shortnote[106791|Adur] falls into a hysteric state. All his skills are strengthened.
Sys625098_shortnote[108481|Mosfetto] enters defensive mode.
Sys625099_nameKelopas' Request
Sys625099_name_pluralKelopas' Request
Sys625099_shortnoteTo complete the captain's request, this fight must be completed within the allotted time.
Sys625100_nameRed System
Sys625100_name_pluralRed Systems
Sys625100_shortnoteDamage taken is reduced in this status.
Sys625101_nameBlue System
Sys625101_name_pluralBlue Systems
Sys625101_shortnoteDamage taken is reduced in this status.
Sys625103_nameRunic Salvo
Sys625103_name_pluralRunic Salvos
Sys625103_shortnote[SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] is reduced.
Sys625104_nameBattle Data Analysis

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