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Sys625354_name_pluralPoisonous Wave Strikes
Sys625354_shortnoteA highly toxic liquid which is gradually absorbed by the skin. Causes (Buff-Dot)% damage every second.
Sys625355_nameMovement Handicap
Sys625355_name_pluralMovement Handicaps
Sys625355_shortnoteAn often used skill during execution which leaves your body weak and prevents you using your powers.
Sys625356_nameSavagery of the Soulless
Sys625356_name_pluralSavagery of the Soulless
Sys625356_shortnoteSuch incredible and unbridled power that virtually nobody can withstand it.
Sys625358_nameTorn Soul
Sys625358_name_pluralTorn Souls
Sys625358_shortnoteIf feels as if someone is ripping out your soul. The pain becomes increasingly unbearable.
Sys625362_nameSoul Searching Sword
Sys625362_name_pluralSoul Searching Swords
Sys625362_shortnoteA power weighing down heavily leaves you temporarily unable to move.
Sys625367_nameSteel Slash
Sys625367_name_pluralSteel Slashes
Sys625367_shortnoteThe armor is gradually cut to shreds. Damage suffered increases incrementally.
Sys625368_nameSteel Porcine Blow
Sys625368_name_pluralSteel Porcine Blows
Sys625368_shortnoteThe tough iron sheets batter into the body. Blood spurts uncontrollably from the wounds.
Sys625370_nameDefensive Stance
Sys625370_name_pluralDefensive Stances
Sys625370_shortnoteArmor is boosted. The protection can only be removed by a successful hit.
Sys625371_nameScorching Lava
Sys625371_name_pluralScorching Lava
Sys625374_nameSpinning Stance
Sys625374_name_pluralSpinning Stances
Sys625374_shortnoteIncreases defense. The invigorated body is intimidating.

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