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Sys625699_name_pluralIntense Snake Poisons
Sys625699_shortnoteCauses (Buff-Dot) snake poison damage every second.
Sys625700_nameParalyzing Toxin
Sys625700_name_pluralParalyzing Toxins
Sys625700_shortnoteThis potent poison slows the movements of the victim.
Sys625701_shortnoteWouldn't it be wonderful if we all just got along?
Sys625702_nameAndalus' Blessing
Sys625702_shortnoteAndalus blesses the project's participants, increasing movement speed by (Buff0)%.
Sys625708_namePoisoned Tendril Attack
Sys625708_name_pluralPoisoned Tendril Attacks
Sys625708_shortnoteThe tendrils dancing in the air contain a poison which seeps in through wounds and causes (Buff-Dot)% HP loss every 2 seconds.
Sys625709_nameLashing Tendrils
Sys625709_name_pluralLashing Tendrils
Sys625709_shortnoteThe heavy blows cause the victim to become dazed.
Sys625713_nameEarth Spirit Barrier
Sys625713_name_pluralEarth Spirits Barriers
Sys625713_shortnoteThe barrier summoned by the Earth Spirit is sturdy and can absorb 3 attacks.
Sys625714_nameEarth Spirit Curse
Sys625714_name_pluralEarth Spirit Curses
Sys625714_shortnoteThe Earth Spirit's devilish curse causes (Buff-Dot)% damage per second.
Sys625715_nameTree Spirit Energy
Sys625715_name_pluralTree Spirit Energy
Sys625715_shortnoteA primal energy that slumbers in the heart of the trees.
Sys625716_nameTree Spirit Fetters
Sys625716_name_pluralTree Spirit Fetters
Sys625716_shortnoteThe evil tree spirit's entanglements cause a feeling of panic. Movement and casting speeds are reduced.
Sys625718_nameLuminous Symbiosis
Sys625718_name_pluralLuminous Symbioses

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