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Sys625896_nameWave Barrier
Sys625896_name_pluralWave Barriers
Sys625896_shortnoteA double blocks the attacks so that you do not take any damage.
Sys625897_nameCorrosive Curse
Sys625897_name_pluralCorrosive Curses
Sys625897_shortnoteYou are stricken by a mysterious curse. Your attack increases but your defense is weakened.
Sys625898_namePermeation of Poison
Sys625898_name_pluralPermeation of Poison
Sys625898_shortnoteThe poison seeps into your body and becomes one with it. Your attack is reduced but your defense increases.
Sys625899_nameBrink of Death
Sys625899_name_pluralBrink of Death
Sys625899_shortnoteThe merging of the clouds of fog gives you protection from all types of damage for a short time.
Sys625900_nameInner Void
Sys625900_name_pluralInner Void
Sys625900_shortnoteYour heart, body and soul are out of kilter with one another. You cannot survive standing on the [625899|Brink of Death] again.
Sys625901_nameWater Core
Sys625901_name_pluralWater Cores
Sys625901_shortnoteResonates with [108963|Durlas].
Sys625902_nameBlessing of the Water Spirit
Sys625902_name_pluralBlessings of the Water Spirit
Sys625902_shortnoteAttack power is greatly increased.
Sys625903_nameDecaying Ichor
Sys625903_name_pluralDecaying Ichor
Sys625903_shortnoteThe ichor causes such intense pain in your legs that you can only move very slowly.
Sys625917_nameAngerfang Protection
Sys625917_shortnoteWith the protection of [109024|Kawak Angerfang], you can resist the magical damage caused by [109023|Minas'] Soul Drift.
Sys625963_namePierce Armor
Sys625963_shortnoteDecreases [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] by (Buff0)%. Can be stacked up to 10 times.

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