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Sys850005_name_pluralEnergy Transmission
Sys850005_shortnoteThe huge amount of energy from the [119853|Energy Supply Point] can be sent out using Energy Guidance...
Sys850008_nameElemental Anchor
Sys850008_name_pluralElemental Anchors
Sys850009_nameShetamb's Oracle
Sys850009_name_pluralShetamb's Oracles
Sys850012_nameLickety Split
Sys850012_name_pluralLickety Split
Sys850012_shortnoteUse it on your frog to make it run at full speed.
Sys850015_shortnoteCast a flash of lightning at the location of your target frog, stunning all frogs in range for 5 seconds.
Sys850016_nameFlame Trap
Sys850016_name_pluralFlame Traps
Sys850016_shortnoteUse these to spring a particularly fiery surprise on the opponents behind you.
Sys850020_nameKitsune Mount
Sys850020_shortnote[SC_MOUNT_COLLECT_MAGIC|Increases movement speed by (Buff0-0)%.]
Sys850022_nameFrog Elixir
Sys850022_name_pluralFrog Elixirs
Sys850024_nameHunter's Coup de Grace
Sys850024_name_pluralHunter's Coups de Grace
Sys850026_nameFilthy Curse
Sys850026_name_pluralFilthy Curses
Sys850026_shortnotePhrases that, when spoken, could curdle milk.
Sys850027_nameUnfaithful Compliment
Sys850027_name_pluralUnfaithful Compliments
Sys850027_shortnoteUhm.. You know...
Sys850030_nameRub Fluorescent Ball
Sys850030_name_pluralRub Fluorescent Balls
Sys850032_nameIllusion Energy Explosion

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