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Sys850034_nameSinther's Blessing
Sys850034_name_pluralSinther's Blessings
Sys850035_nameTransformation Potion - Sacred Ice Crystal JuJu
Sys850035_name_pluralTransformation Potions - Sacred Ice Crystal JuJu
Sys850035_shortnoteTransforms the user into a [105922|Sacred Ice Crystal JuJu] for 1 hour.
Sys850036_nameSwitch Buff
Sys850036_name_pluralSwitch Buffs
Sys850037_nameFlame Beast
Sys850037_name_pluralFlame Beasts
Sys850037_shortnote[SC_MOUNT_COLLECT_MAGIC|Increases movement speed by (Buff0-0)%.]
Sys850038_nameSummon Mini Flower Cactus
Sys850038_name_pluralSummon Mini Flower Cactus
Sys850042_nameTransformation Potion - Breaking Dawn JuJu
Sys850042_shortnoteTransforms the user into a [105923|Breaking Dawn JuJu] for 1 hour.
Sys850043_nameBuff Removal Skill
Sys850044_nameDisodoration Potion
Sys850045_nameRune Armaments Energy Influx
Sys850045_name_pluralRune Armaments Energy Influxes
Sys850045_shortnoteYou obtain a wave of temporary energy that charges the [120247|Rune Armaments].
Sys850049_nameTransformation Potion - Exuberant Celebration JuJu
Sys850049_name_pluralTransformation Potions - Exuberant Celebration JuJu
Sys850049_shortnoteTransforms the user into an [105924|Exuberant Celebration JuJu] for 1 hour.
Sys850050_nameForge Effect
Sys850050_name_pluralForge Effects
Sys850051_shortnoteNormal attack hits increase caster's [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] by (Buff0-621168)% for (Buff0-Time) seconds. Can be stacked 5 times. Also increases rage by (Buff-Dot-621169) points and has a chance of triggering the effect [621252|Chain Drive]. The effect lasts for (Buff-Time-621252) seconds.\n[621252|Chain Drive]: Increases the damage inflicted by [498529|Rune Pulse] by (Buff0-621253)%. In addition the next Curse will be transformed into an instant spell.
Sys850052_nameTransformation Potion - Greenfeather Sparrow JuJu
Sys850052_name_pluralTransformation Potions - Greenfeather Sparrow JuJu
Sys850052_shortnoteTransforms the user into a [105925|Greenfeather Sparrow JuJu] for 1 hour.

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