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Sys850056_nameFood Delivery
Sys850056_name_pluralFood Deliveries
Sys850058_nameAbsorb Dark Energy
Sys850058_name_pluralAbsorb Dark Energy
Sys850060_nameUse Magic Shield Potion
Sys850063_nameElemental Shockwave Warning
Sys850063_name_pluralElemental Shockwave Warning
Sys850064_nameAnnihilating Attack
Sys850064_name_pluralAnnihilating Attack
Sys850070_nameDivine Pet
Sys850070_shortnoteSkill gained by equipping divine art\n(Can transform into a divine pet)
Sys850071_nameDemonic Pet
Sys850071_shortnoteSkill gained by equipping demonic graffiti\n(Can transform into a demonic pet)
Sys850072_nameUse Sturdy Leather Bag
Sys850073_nameMorfantas Stone
Sys850076_nameUse Psychedelic Animal Cage
Sys850076_name_pluralUse Psychedelic Animal Cages
Sys850079_nameBiting Cold
Sys850079_name_pluralBiting Cold
Sys850079_shortnoteAcquire the power of frost. Inflicts (DMG0) [SC_SKILLTIPS_WATER|Water Damage] on target.
Sys850080_namePrison of Fire
Sys850080_name_pluralPrison of Fire
Sys850080_shortnoteAcquire the power of the flames. Inflicts (DMG0) [SC_SKILLTIPS_FLAME|Fire Damage] on target.
Sys850081_shortnoteAcquire the power of frost. Inflicts (Buff0-Dot) [SC_SKILLTIPS_WATER|Water Damage] every 2 seconds for (Buff0-Time) seconds.
Sys850082_nameScorching Inferno

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