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Sys850876_namePower Upgrade
Sys850876_name_pluralPower Upgrades
Sys850876_shortnoteIncreases [SC_SKILLTIPS_DOGEP|Dodge Rate] by (Buff0-0)%.
Sys850877_nameEnergy Supply
Sys850877_name_pluralEnergy Supplies
Sys850877_shortnoteInstantly recovers (DMG0) Rage.
Sys850878_nameRune Guardian
Sys850878_name_pluralRune Guardian
Sys850879_nameRune Guardian
Sys850879_name_pluralRune Guardian
Sys850879_shortnoteSacrifice (DMG0) HP to create a shield that protects your party members for (Buff-Time-624368) seconds.
Sys850880_nameBattle Defense Transfer
Sys850880_name_pluralBattle Defense Transfer
Sys850880_shortnoteEach of your attacks will increase your defense by (Buff0-0)%, stackable up to (Buff0-1)%. Lasts for (Buff-Time-624370) seconds.
Sys850881_nameBattle Defense Transfer
Sys850881_name_pluralBattle Defense Transfer
Sys850882_nameClone Conversion
Sys850882_name_pluralClone Conversion
Sys850882_shortnoteInstantly cancels [498562|Shield Form] and causes (DMG-624372) main hand weapon damage to surrounding targets. Increases caster's attack by (Buff8-0)% and reduces damage taken by (Buff8-2)% for (Buff8-Time) seconds.\nPuts [498562|Shield Form] into cooldown state for 6 seconds.
Sys850883_nameClone Conversion Damage
Sys850883_name_pluralClone Conversion Damage
Sys850884_nameDisassembly Mode
Sys850884_name_pluralDisassembly Modes
Sys850884_shortnoteActivates [850884|Disassembly Mode].\nThis skill cannot be used during combat or while [498562|Shield Form] is active.\nIncreases caster's accuracy by (Buff4-0)% and turns (Buff0-0)% [SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Stamina] into [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength].
Sys850887_nameVoid Shift
Sys850887_name_pluralVoid Shift
Sys850889_nameDark Halo
Sys850889_name_pluralDark Halo
Sys850889_shortnote2 psi
Sys850891_nameDisassembly Step

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