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Sys851500_name_pluralMeteor Bombs
Sys851501_nameFencing Master
Sys851501_name_pluralFencing Masters
Sys851502_nameNape Attack
Sys851502_name_pluralNape Attacks
Sys851503_nameShackles of the Undercurrent
Sys851503_name_pluralShackles of the Undercurrent
Sys851504_nameGround Shell
Sys851504_name_pluralGround Shells
Sys851506_nameBodhiwa Ram
Sys851506_name_pluralBodhiwa Rams
Sys851507_nameEnergy Impulse
Sys851507_name_pluralEnergy Impulses
Sys851508_nameStone of Earth
Sys851508_shortnoteInfuses the magic circle with the power of earth.
Sys851509_nameStone of Wind
Sys851509_shortnoteInfuses the magic circle with the power of the wind.
Sys851510_nameStone of Water
Sys851510_shortnoteInfuses the magic circle with the power of water.
Sys851511_nameVoidal Energy Fragment
Sys851511_shortnoteInfuses the magic circle with the power of voidal energy.
Sys851515_nameWind Damage
Sys851515_name_pluralWind Damage
Sys851516_nameEarth Chasm
Sys851516_name_pluralEarth Chasms
Sys851517_nameScarred Water

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