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Sys851645_name_pluralDancing Blades
Sys851646_namePoisonous Blade
Sys851646_name_pluralPoisonous Blades
Sys851647_nameArt of the Wind Blade
Sys851647_name_pluralArts of the Wind Blade
Sys851649_nameArt of the Crazed Wind Blade
Sys851649_name_pluralArts of the Crazed Wind Blade
Sys851650_nameTen Thousand Blade Barrage
Sys851650_name_pluralTen Thousand Blade Barrages
Sys851651_nameShadow Blade
Sys851651_name_pluralShadow Blades
Sys851652_nameDouble-edged Blade of Fear
Sys851652_name_pluralDouble-edged Blades of Fear
Sys851653_nameSealing Spell
Sys851653_name_pluralSealing Spells
Sys851654_nameDark Warlock Power
Sys851654_name_pluralDark Warlock Powers
Sys851655_nameSlowing Mount Potion
Sys851655_name_pluralSlowing Mount Potions
Sys851655_shortnoteReduces riding speed by (Buff0-0)% for 12 hours. Can be canceled manually.
Sys851656_nameLava Needle
Sys851656_name_pluralLava Needles
Sys851657_nameLava Needle
Sys851657_name_pluralLava Needles
Sys851658_nameRegular Farewell Ceremony
Sys851658_name_pluralRegular Farewell Ceremonies

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