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TUTORIAL_TEXT29The fifth tab on the Character Interface is the <CY>Emote Interface</CY>. There are several emotes on this interface and you can use the following methods to operate them:\n\n(1) Click on the emote directly from the list.\n\n(2) You can assign an emote's icon to the Action Bar to operate the emote\n\n(3) You can enter the emote's command. On the list of emotes there is a command, e.g.: <CB>/Laugh (A)</CB>. You can use this in the entry field of the message window to use that emote <CB>(B)</CB>.
TUTORIAL_TEXT3<CG>Target Lock</CG>: To fight you must first lock on to a target. Simply left-click the target to do this.\n\nOnce a target is locked, look at the background color of the <CB>Target Name (A)</CB> to determine whether or not this target can attack:\n\n(1) <CR>Red</CR>: Target can attack and will actively attack the player.\n\n(2) <CY>Yellow</CY>: Target can attack, but will only attack if attacked by the player. \n\n(3) <CG>Green</CG>: Friendly target, cannot attack.\n\n<CG>Normal Attack</CG>: Once target is locked left-click again to approach the target and make a normal attack.\n\n<CG>Use Skill</CG>: Once target is locked just press the skill in the action bar.
TUTORIAL_TEXT30The sixth tab on the right side of the character interface is the <CY>Class Interface</CY>. The Class Interface displays your <CB>current number of classes/maximum number of classes attainable (A)</CB> as well as the <CB> Level and Experience (B)</CB> of every class that you possess.
TUTORIAL_TEXT31All skills that a character can use in-game are found in the <CY>Skill Interface</CY>. To open the skill interface just select <CY>Skill (K)</CY> in the function list or press <CY>K on your keyboard</CY>.\n\nThe top of the skill interface displays a maximum of <CB>Four Tabs (A)</CB>:\n<CG>General Skills</CG>: The skills in this tab may be used regardless of changes to class. These skills include normal attacks, transportation magic, crafting skills, etc.\n\n<CG>Primary Class Skills</CG>: Skills provided by your primary class.\n\n<CG>Secondary Class Skills</CG>: Skills provided by your secondary class.\n\n<CG>Class-specific Primary Class Skills</CG>: Skills usable only by a primary class. These skills cannot be used when the class is set as a character's secondary class.\n\nThe skills in every tab are all accessed in the same way, by directly <CY>left-clicking the skill icon</CY> or <CY>dragging the skill to the action bar</CY>.\n\nDuring combat you not only gain experience but also <CY>Talent Points (TP)</CY>. Talent points increase your skill <CY>Power Level</CY>. When your skill power level goes up, a value <CY>+N</CY> appears in skill tips after the skill name, signifying the new skill level.\n\nEvery skill in the skill interface has a <CB>Talent Point Bar</CB>. If a bar is <CY>not MAX</CY> and you have sufficient talent points (see <CB>Surplus Talent Points (C)</CB> on the lower right of the skill interface) you may upgrade the power of this skill. Skill power level is upgraded by following this process:\n\n(1) Left-click the name of the skill you want to upgrade.\n\n(2) Press the <CB>Skill Upgrade Button (D)</CB> at the bottom of the interface to bring up the <CB>Upgrade Interface (E)</CB>. At the bottom of this interface you will see a <CB>Next Skill Power Level Note (F)</CB>.\n\n(3) Use the right and left buttons to adjust the skill level in the upgrade interface, then hit confirm.
TUTORIAL_TEXT32All quests received in-game are recorded in the <CY>Quest Log</CY>. <CY>A maximum of 30 quests can be recorded</CY>. Just select <CY>Quest (L)</CY> in the function list or press <CY>L on your keyboard</CY> to open up the Quest Log.\n\nThe <CY>Quest List</CY> is located on the left side of the Quest Log. Select a quest on the list and the relevant<CY>Quest Details</CY> will be displayed on the right side of the interface. The quest log also performs the following operations:\n\n<CB>Track Quest (A)</CB>: To track a quest simply check the <CY>box next to the quest</CY> in the quest list. This will show the quest in the <CY>Quest Tracking Interface</CY> on the main screen.\n\n<CB> Available Quests (B)</CB>: Pressing the <CY> Available Quests Button</CY> on the lower left of the quest log will open the available quest panel on the world search interface. Using this interface you can locate <CY>NPCs with Quests</CY>.\n\n<CB>Quest Giver's Position (C)</CB>: Pressing the <CY>Quest Giver's Position</CY> button in the middle at the bottom of the quest log opens the <CY>NPC Search</CY> on the World Search Interface. The quest giver NPC automatically appears on the search list. Hit track and the NPC's position is soon revealed.\n\n<CB>Quest Receiver's Position (D)</CB>: The <CY>Quest Receiver's Position</CY> button on the right also opens the <CY>NPC Search</CY> with the same functions as for the quest giver.\n\n<CB>Abandon Quest (E)</CB>: To abandon a quest select the quest on the list and press the <CY>Abandon Quest Button</CY> located in the lower right corner of the interface.
TUTORIAL_TEXT33If you have entered a guild in the game, then in the <CY>Guild Interface</CY> you'll be able to find information about your guild. You can also change some of the guild settings. If you want to open the Guild Interface simply select <CY>Guild (G)</CY> from the menu, or press <CY>G</CY> on your keypad.\n\nWhen you open the Guild Interface, the first thing you'll see is a <CB>list of guild members (A)</CB>, and various details about them such as their online status, class, level and rank. Right-clicking on a guild member will open up another menu. This menu will differ depending on your rank in the guild and the options will also differ.\n\nIf you want to leave the guild, you simply <CY>right-click on your name in the guild member list and then select <CB>Leave Guild (B)</CB></CY> to retire from the guild. This will be instant.\n\nOther than the guild member list there are two other buttons on the Guild Interface:\n<CB>Battles (C)</CB>\nBy clicking on the Battles button, you can open the <CY>Battles interface</CY>. On this interface you can see the battles of your own guild with others along with your previous battle statistics.\n\n<CB>Resources (D)</CB>:\nClicking on the Resources button opens the <CB>Resources Interface (E)</CB>. This interface is divided into three tabs as follows:\n<CG>Guild Functions</CG>: View your guild's level, the next guild level, the difference in functions of the level below and the current guild resources. If you're the leader and your guild has satisfied the requirements, you may promote your guild.\n\n<CG>Guild Contribution</CG>: Here you can give the guild contributions from its members.\n\n<CG>Contribution Log</CG>: View a record of the contributions from guild members.\n\n<CY>For detailed information on promoting the guild and guild contributions</CY>, please consult the beginners guild help.\n\nDepending on your powers in the guild, you may be able to see the following three buttons on the Guild Interface:\n<CB>New Member (F)</CB>\nIf you have the power to recruit a new member to the guild, you will see this button. Pressing it will open an entry field. Enter someone's name and press the confirm button, that player will now be a member of the guild.\n\n<CB>Leader Functions (G)</CB>\n<CY>If you are the guild leader</CY>, this button will be available to you. Pressing it will open up the Leader Functions Interface. On this interface you can change the names of the ranks and grant ranks to members.\n\n<CB>Announcements and Message Board (H)</CB>\nThis button displays the Announcements and Message Board. If you have the required powers, you can also edit and manage the board.
TUTORIAL_TEXT34Selecting <CY>Community (O)</CY> from the menu or pressing <CY>O</CY> on the keyboard will open the Community Interface. Here you will see five tabs:\n\n<CB>Friend List (A)</CB>: These are friends you've added in-game or players that you have some connection with (spouses, brothers, etc.). Right-clicking on a name in the list will allow you to alter the order.\n\nUnder the Friend List are the Add and Remove buttons. Select <CY>Add</CY> and enter a player's name in to the text entry field to add a friend to your Friend List. If you want to delete a friend, highlight their name and then press <CY>Delete</CY>.\n\n<CB>Blacklist (B)</CB>: These are players that have been blacklisted by yourself. They will not be able to initiate chat with you and you won't be able to see them in the channels. You can use the blacklist to avoid unwanted harassment.\n\nUnder the blacklist are the <CY>Add</CY> and <CY>Remove</CY> buttons. Use these in the same way you do on the Friend List tab.\n\n<CB>Nemesis List (C)</CB> If you have had <CY>PvP forced on you</CY> and have been killed by a player, they are added to your Nemesis List. If you then kill a player who is on your Nemesis List, this is shown on the list as a revenge.\n\nDouble-clicking on a name in the list will display the <CY>Basic Info Interface</CY>. Here you can view some information on the nemesis.\n\n<CB>Party Search (D)</CB> If you would like to <CY>form a party</CY> to go questing or adventuring, you can use this function to look for a party which meets your requirements.\n\nSelect the primary and secondary class requirements and level requirements, then press <CY>Party Search</CY> again. This will search according to your conditions. You can then enter a party with the players found.\n\nThere are two ways of <CY>entering a party</CY>: You can right click on your portrait, and then on the <CY>Looking for Party</CY> select <CY>Open</CY>. Or at the very bottom of the Party Search Interface, select the <CY>Looking for Party</CY>.\n\n<CB>Raid Party (E)</CB> For more detailed information on raid parties, please see the beginners help on the <CY>raid party system</CY>.\n\nIn the lower left hand corner of the Community Interface tabs is a <CB>Personal Info</CB>. Selecting this will display the <CB>Personal Info Interface (G)</CB>. Here you can edit your <CB>Character Information (H)</CB>. This is the information that other players can view if they use the <CY>Inspect</CY> command.
TUTORIAL_TEXT35Players will sometime acquire Monster Cards as they battle. <CY>Right-clicking on the card</CY> will record it in your monster compendium. Select <CY>Monster Compendium (P)</CY> from the menu or press <CY>P</CY> on the keyboard to open the Monster Compendium Interface.\n\nOn the left of the Monster Compendium Interface is a <CB>Monster List (A)</CB>. The names of the monsters whose cards you've collected will appear here. The monsters can also be sorted by type at the top of the list <CB>(B)</CB>. On the right of the interface is <CB>detailed information from the monster's card (C)</CB>. There is an introduction and 3D model of the monster. \n\n<CY>Right-clicking on a name in the monster list, will give you the option to take out the card.</CY>
TUTORIAL_TEXT36There are many items for sale in the item shop, which cannot be acquired in the game or are rare items that are very difficult to acquire. A lot of these items can help you proceed through the game or can make your character special. Selecting <CY>Item Shop (/)</CY> from the menu or press <CY>/</CY> on the keyboard to open the Item Shop Interface.\n\nFor more information on the <CY>Item Shop</CY>, please see the beginners help. There you can receive more detailed instructions.
TUTORIAL_TEXT37From the menu, select <CY>Styling Shop (.)</CY>, press <CY>.</CY> on the keyboard, or select the Styling Shop Icon on the edge of the Minimap to open the Styling Shop Interface. There are three tabs on the Styling Shop Interface:\n\n<CB>Dye Equipment (A)</CB>: This allows you to change the color of your character's equipment.\n\nYou can change the <CY>primary color</CY> and <CY>secondary color</CY> of every item of equipment. There are two colors next to each item of equipment. The top one is the <CB>primary color (B)</CB> and the lower one is the <CB>secondary color (C)</CB>. Clicking on one of these will open the <CB>Color Palette (D)</CB>. Here you can select the color and brightness. You can see a preview in the Styling Shop window.\n\nIf you don't like the color, you can click on the <CB>Return (E)</CB> button at the bottom of the Dye Equipment Interface. This will return your equipment to its original color. You can also click on the section of equipment as seen in the <CB>Graphic (F)</CB> to reset the color for single equipment parts.\n\nWhen you are happy with the color of your equipment, press the <CY>confirm</CY> button at the bottom of the Dye Equipment Menu. You will have to pay the required amount and then the color dying will be complete.\n\n<CB>Appearance (G)</CB>: In this tab you can change the <CY>hairstyle</CY>, <CY>face shape</CY>, <CY>hair color</CY> and <CY>skin color</CY> of your character.\n\nYou can use the <CY>arrows</CY> next to the icon to change the <CY>face shape and hair style</CY>. To change hair color and skin color, select the colors on the side of the graphic.\n\nWhen you are happy with your changes, the final thing to do is press confirm on the bottom of the Appearance Menu. You will have to pay the required amount to complete the changes.\n\n<CB>Mount Dye (H)</CB>: On this tab you can change the color of your <CY>mount</CY> and <CY>mount's armor</CY>.\n\nEvery mount will have, at most, two areas that can be dyed (the mount and its armor). You can change the primary color and secondary color. <CY>If a part of the mount cannot be dyed, that area will be shaded red</CY>. Pressing the colors next to the graphic will change the colors and you will see the results in the window of the Styling Shop Interface.\n\nWhen you are happy, simply select Confirm on the bottom of the Mount Dye menu and pay the required amount to complete the process.
TUTORIAL_TEXT38From the menu select <CY>System (ESC)</CY> or press <CY>ESC</CY> on the keyboard to open up System Options. Opening this menu will close all other open menus.\n\nThe first option on System Options is <CB>Return to Game</CB>. Selecting this will <CY>close System Options and return you to the game.</CY>
TUTORIAL_TEXT39The second option on System Options is <CY>Display Settings</CY>. On this menu you can alter the way the game displays. These are the basic operations:\n\n<CB>Display (A)</CB>: Here you can change the resolution and if the game displays within a window or fullscreen. You can also change the size of the menus.\n\nIf you want to shrink the menus, you first need to select <CB>Use UI Scale (B)</CB>, and then you can make adjustments to the <CB>Menu UI settings (C)</CB>.\n\n<CB>Appearance (D)</CB>: Here you can adjust the <CY>background detail and distance visible in the game graphics.</CY>\n\n<CB>Character Detail (E)</CB>: Here you can change the <CY>detail on characters (including people and monsters</CY>.\n\n<CB>Water Effect (F)</CB>. Here you can change the <CY>water effects</CY> and the level of <CY>detail in water effects</CY>.\n\n<CB>Bloom (G)</CB>: Change the game settings for the <CY>lighting effects</CY> and the level of <CY>detail in lighting effects</CY>.\n\n<CB>Miscellaneous (H)</CB>: Here you can set special settings in the game, including <CY>Smooth Blending</CY>, <CY>Specular Highlighting</CY> and <CY>Distort FX</CY>.\n\nGenerally speaking, the level of <CY>graphical detail</CY> will have an effect on the game. The more detailed the graphics, the slower the game will run. You should select the appropriate setting for your computer system. If you are not sure what the appropriate setting is, we recommend that you use the default settings.
TUTORIAL_TEXT4Move the cursor over to the NPC, and open its dialogue window by a click on it. \n\nIf the NPC is too far away, double-clicking on it makes your character run to it and begin a dialogue. \n\nAfter the dialogue window opens, select the desired dialogue options from the list.
TUTORIAL_TEXT40The third option on System Options is <CY>Audio Settings</CY>. Here you can adjust the music and the sound effects. <CY>Moving the bar right</CY> will <CY>increase</CY> the volume. <CY>Moving the bar left</CY> will <CY>decrease</CY> the volume.
TUTORIAL_TEXT41The fourth option on System Options is <CY>Interface Settings</CY>. There are a number of subcategories to this menu.\n\nThe most important of these are:\n<CB>Character Information (A)</CB>:\nSet whether title, guild, class and reputation are displayed above NPCs, yourself and other players.\n\nPlease note: <CY>You have to have the name selected for title, guild, class and reputation to appear</CY>.\n\n<CB>Controls (B)</CB>:\nChoose whether you use the <CY>mouse buttons for movement</CY>. You can also set <CY>Self Cast</CY>. This means that <CY>a beneficial spell will be automatically cast on yourself if you have no other target selected</CY>.\n\n<CB>Health Bar (C)</CB>:\nSet the health bar. You can also set whether to display health bars for NPCs, players and monsters. You can also set at what distance these will be displayed.\n\nPlease note: <CY>This needs to be selected in order for the health bar to be shown, and then NPC, player and monster health bars will be displayed</CY>.\n\n<CB>Other Functions (D)</CB>:\n<CY>Auto Loot</CY>: This can be activated under Controls. When selected, all items in the loot interface that can be collected will be automatically moved to your backpack.\n\n<CY>Show Damage</CY>: Located under Character Information, when selected this option displays the value of attacks carried out by other players.\n\nAt the bottom of the window, there is a <CB>Default (E)</CB> button. Selecting this will restore all the menus and game options to the default settings.
TUTORIAL_TEXT42The second tab on Interface Settings is the Action Bar. You can set to display the <CB>Main Action Bar (A)</CB>. There are also three other Action Bars than you can set here:\n\nUpper Action Bar: A bar on top of the main Action Bar - <CB>(B)</CB>.\n\nRight Action Bar: A bar on the right of the game screen - <CB>(C)</CB>.\n\nLeft Action Bar: A bar on the left of the right Action Bar - <CB>(D)</CB>.\n\nIn this menu, you can also set <CY>the length of a bar</CY> and the <CY>total amount in a bar</CY>. If the individual slots is bigger than the total, then there will be only one Action Bar. But if the individual slots is less than the total amount, the Action Bar will make a new line.
TUTORIAL_TEXT43The third tab on Interface Settings is the Dialogue Window. On this menu you can set which channels will open a <CY>dialogue window</CY>. You simply need to select a channel in the front box, <CB>(A)</CB>. For a more detailed explanation please see the beginners help on the <CY>dialogue window</CY> in the <CY>Talk</CY> section.
TUTORIAL_TEXT44The fifth option in System Options is <CY>Hotkeys</CY>. Hotkeys allow you to perform an in-game function or open a window with a single key. When set, you should be able to perform the function with the appropriate key or open a menu depending upon the settings.\n\nIn the Hotkey Interface, there are all the game functions and menus. There are <CY>two types of hotkeys</CY> that you can set. This is the procedure:\n\n(1) Select a button for the function you want to set, and its color will change <CY>from white to yellow.</CY>\n\n(2) Pressing the key you want to set will change the color <CY>from yellow to green</CY>.\n\n(3) When finished, select <CY>OK</CY> and the new hotkey will be set.
TUTORIAL_TEXT45The sixth option in System Options is <CY>Macros</CY>. Macros allow you to automate phrases and orders for you to issue quickly in-game. You can create and edit macros in the Macro Interface. Macros can help you speed up play and can be very useful\n\nThis is the procedure for setting macros:\n\n(1) Select an <CY>empty space</CY> in the Macro Interface. Next select the <CY>New</CY> button at the bottom of the interface. This will open a <CB>Macro Content Interface (A)</CB>.\n\n(2) There will be an icon on this Macro Content Interface. Clicking on the <CB>small button on the left of the icon (B)</CB> will take you to the <CB>Icon Selection Interface (C)</CB> When you have selected the icon that you want to use, this will become the <CY>macro icon</CY>.\nSelect the <CB>bar on the right of the icon (D)</CB> and then you will be able to enter a <CY>name for the macro</CY>.\n\nNext select <CB>the separator bar at the bottom (E)</CB> and you will be able to edit the <CY>macro content</CY>.\n\nOnce you have edited the icon, name and content, you can select <CY>Save</CY> to complete.\n\n(3) Drag the macro icon to your Action Bar and then you can use your Action Bar to run the macro.\n\n(4) If you want to change the content of a macro, select an already set macro. At the bottom of the screen, select <CY>Modify Macro</CY>.
TUTORIAL_TEXT46The seventh option on System Options is <CY>Game Help</CY>. Select this to open the Game Help Interface. On the left there is a <CB>menu (A)</CB>. Select a help item, to then see a explanatory <CB>picture (B)</CB> in the middle of the interface and a <CB>description text (C)</CB> on the right.
TUTORIAL_TEXT47The eigth option on System Option is <CY>Report Problem</CY>. Selecting this will take you to the Report Problem Interface. In the <CB>top of the interface (A)</CB> you can write the <CY>title</CY> of the problem. In the <CB>lower field (B)</CB> you can enter the <CY>details</CY> of the problem. Finally press the <CY>Send</CY> button to send your in-game problem to our dedicated team.
TUTORIAL_TEXT48The ninth option in System Options is <CB>Return to Character Selection (A)</CB>. Select this to be returned to the <CY>Character Selection Screen</CY> after fifteen seconds have passed.\n\nWhile the counter is counting down, you <CY>cannot perform any normal operations</CY>. Be careful not to use this function in an area where you may be attacked. If your character is in danger, press the <CY>Cancel</CY> button to return to normal play.
TUTORIAL_TEXT49The tenth option on System Options is <CB>Exit Game (A)</CB>. Selecting this will close down the game and return you to your desktop.\n\nAlthough selecting this will immediately <CY>exit the game and close the window</CY>, it may still take time for your character to be properly logged out. Therefore, please make sure that you use this function somewhere where you character is not in danger.
TUTORIAL_TEXT5On the lower left of the game screen is the Message Window. It displays <CY>channel chats</CY> and info regarding acquired <CY>items</CY> and <CY>any level increases</CY>.\n\nThere are two buttons on the left of the Message Window. At the top is the <CB>Emote Button (A)</CB>, which opens a list of actions you can use to express your mood. At the bottom is the <CB>Restore Message Window Defaults (B)</CB>, which resets all changes made to the message window interface to their default settings.
TUTORIAL_TEXT50When you first obtain a secondary class, you will be able to use the <CY> Equipment Swap button </CY> to quickly swap from your primary class equipment to your secondary class equipment at any time.\n\nOpen the <CY>character interface</CY> and mouse over the button <CB>Equipment Swap (A)</CB>, then select 1 set of the current Equipment Swap slots to switch your equipment.\n\nPlease be careful and check if the equipment you have swapped into is usable. Equipment slots that are highlighted in <CB>red (B)</CB> indicate that the equipment is not usable by your primary class.
TUTORIAL_TEXT51[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_30|Guild Building includes several functions, divided into <CS>General Buildings</CS> and <CS>Technology Tree Buildings</CS>.\n\nEach building has unique abilities! If you have gathered enough resources for a specific building you can build it on available construction ground, \n\nCarefully think about what buildings to build and how to utilize different Technology Tree Buildings to reach your guild's goals.]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_38|<CS>General Buildings</CS>\n\nGeneral Buildings include treasuries, mail boxes, notice boards, gates, transport circles, thrones, and other buildings with basic functions.\n\nMost General Buildings are already provided when a guild castle is created, but some require everyone to work together and to provide materials!]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_39|<CS>Technology Tree Buildings</CS>\n\nTechnology Tree Buildings can provide the Guild Castle with many useful features. Besides the common uses, some of these features will prove to be very powerful assets in guild wars.\n\nFollowing types exist. Choose the respective page to obtain more information:\n\nPage 1\n<CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE01|Academy]</CP>, <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE02|Field]</CP>, <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE03|Forge]</CP>, <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE04|Library]</CP>, <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE05|Stable]</CP>, <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE06|Lumber Yard]</CP>\n\nPage 2\n<CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE07|Drill Ground]</CP>, <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE08|Guard Tower]</CP>, <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE09|Arsenal]</CP>, <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE10|Farm]</CP>, <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE11|Processing Factory]</CP>\n\nPage 3\n6 types of <CP>Rune Towers</CP>\n\nIncreasing their level will make them even more effective.]
TUTORIAL_TEXT52[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE01W|<CS>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE01|Academy]</CS>\n\nAbilities:\n[GUILD_TECHNOLOGYTREE_COLLEGE|Allows you to learn the fundamentals about building each type of technology tree building. By upgrading, you will be able to build other types of technology tree buildings.]\n\nBuilding Requirements:\nBesides having the required materials, you need to raise the <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE01|Academy]</CP> to a certain level.]
TUTORIAL_TEXT53[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE04W|<CS>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE04|Library]</CS>\n\nAbilities:\n(1) [GUILD_TECHNOLOGYTREE_LIBRARY|Continuous study of mythology decreases death debt.] As the level increases, you are allowed to build other types of Technology Tree Buildings.\n(2) One [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE04|Library] can only provide reading material for <CP>30 members</CP> at a time. Build another [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE04|Library] to allow more members to be able to obtain reading material at the same time.\n\nBuilding Requirements:\nBesides having the required materials, you need to raise the <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE01|Academy]</CP> and [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE02|Field]</CP> to a certain level.]
TUTORIAL_TEXT54[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE05W|<CS>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE05|Stable]</CS>\n\nAbilities:\n[GUILD_TECHNOLOGYTREE_STABLE|Increases riding speed. Click on it to obtain the \"Horse Care\" buff.] As the level increases, you are allowed to build other types of Technology Tree Buildings.\n\nBuilding Requirements:\nBesides having the required materials, you need to raise the <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE01|Academy]</CP> and the <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE02|Field]</CP> to a certain level.]
TUTORIAL_TEXT55[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE02W|<CS>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE02|Field]</CS>\n\nAbilities:\n(1) [GUILD_TECHNOLOGYTREE_FARM|Producing all kinds of herbs and raw materials for farm products.] As the level increases you can build additional types of Technology Tree Buildings. \n(2) Each character obtains one lot of <CP>farming tools</CP> every day that they use the [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE02|Field]. Each usage consumes one tool.\n(3) As the character's level increases the time to produce in the [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE02|Field] decreases.\n(4) One [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE02|Field] can only provide crops for <CP>5 members</CP> at a time. Build another field to allow more members to be able to collect crops at the same time.\n\nBuilding Requirements:\nBesides having the required materials, you need to raise the <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE01|Academy]</CP> to a certain level.]

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