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TUTORIAL_TEXT56[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE03W|<CS>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE03|Forge]</CS>\n\nAbilities:\n(1) [GUILD_TECHNOLOGYTREE_FORGE|Smelt minerals to produce materials for engineering tools.] As the level increases you can build additional types of Technology Tree Buildings. \n(2) Player can use the [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE03|Forge] once a day to obtain <CP>refining tools</CP>. Each usage consumes one tool.\n(3) The higher the increase in player character level, the shorter the production time at the [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE03|Forge] will become.\n(4) One [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE03|Forge] can provide materials for up to <CP>5 members</CP> at a time. Build another [SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE03|Forge] to allow more members to be able to collect minerals at the same time.\n\nBuilding Requirements:\nBesides having the required materials, you need to raise the <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE01|Academy]</CP> and the <CP>[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_TREE04|Library]</CP> to a certain level.]
TUTORIAL_TEXT57[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_33|<CS>Building Instructions</CS>\n\n(1) First, open the Guild Building menu and choose the object you want to build.\n\n(2) Choose the building foundation type. If you have sufficient resources you may start to build. Please be aware of the differences in type and requirements.\n\n(3) Click on the foundation and choose the building type you want to build. If you have enough resources, confirm to complete the building.]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_47|<CS>Remove Building</CS>\n\n(1) Choose the respective Technology Tree Building Abilities page and click \"Remove Building\".\n(2) Confirm the confirmation window and the building will be removed.]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_91|<CS>Technology Tree Building Upgrades</CS>\n\n(1) Choose the page of the Technology Tree Building you want to upgrade and click \"Upgrade Building\".\n\n(2) Open the building interface. If you have enough resources you only need to confirm to upgrade.]
TUTORIAL_TEXT58[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_50|The arrangement of guild furniture is the same as in the <CP>residence</CP>. If you're not sure how to use furniture, the following instructions will explain clearly!\n\nThe only difference from residence furniture is that the <CP>usage permissions</CP> are managed by the <CP>Guild Leader</CP>. Only the Guild Leader and authorized members can use guild furniture functions. Additionally, the Guild Leader can reject other members' furniture, but not delete it. Rejected furniture will be sent to the owner's <CP>mailbox</CP>.\n\nIf you want to know, which decoration will be best for your guild mates, try to speak with them and find out their opinions.]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_57|<CS>Confirm Permission</CS>\n\nBefore you create guild furniture, first make sure you have <CP>permission</CP> to manage guild furniture.\n\nIn the Guild Castle, if the <CP>Guild Furniture</CP> option at the top left corner of the screen is <CP>illuminated</CP>, then congratulations, you have permission to place guild furniture!]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_58|<CS>Get Furniture</CS>\n\nFirst, you must buy furniture from the <CP>Item Shop</CP> or an <CP>in-game furniture store</CP>.\n\nIf you don't know what items the guild currently needs, you can talk to some other guild members or the guild leader to find out!]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_59|<CS>Add to Furniture List</CS>\n\nIn the Guild Castle, open the \"<CP>Guild Furniture</CP>\" menu on the top left side. Choose an item from the <CP>Item Bar</CP> and place it in a blank space in the <CS>Furniture List</CS>. The item you added will appear in the furniture list with your name after it.]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_60|<CS>Place Furniture</CS>\n\nSelect the furniture you want to place, choose \"<CP>Place Furniture</CP>\" from the menu, and you can place the furniture on the screen!]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_61|<CS>Move Furniture</CS>\n\nIf you're not satisfied with the furniture after placing it, just select the item you want to edit from the furniture list, then choose \"<CP>Move</CP>\" or \"<CP>Rotate</CP>\" from the menu.\n\nWhen you've chosen one of these buttons, an \"<CP>orange border</CP>\" will appear around the item you selected. Now you can click on the item to move or rotate it!]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_62|<CS>Recycle Furniture</CS>\n\nIf you're not happy with your furniture, you can choose to remove it by selecting it from the furniture list. After confirming, choose \"<CP>Recycle Furniture</CP>\" from the menu.\n\nRemember that the furniture has only been removed from the screen, but it still exists in the furniture list. If you want to return it to your personal item bar, just drag it from the furniture list to your item bar.\n\nAlso, the Guild Leader can reject other members' furniture from the furniture list. Rejected furniture will be moved to the member's <CP>Mailbox</CP>.]
TUTORIAL_TEXT59[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_70|The Guild Bank provides a place for members to store items. Except for <CP>bound</CP> items, all items can be stored. However, only the <CP>Guild Leader</CP> and <CP>members with permission</CP> may use the browse, deposit, withdrawal, and management functions of the Guild Bank.]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_73|<CS>Deposit and Withdrawal Functions</CS>\n\nDo you see a <CP>lever</CP> on the right-hand side of the Guild Bank? Click on it and the Guild Bank interface will appear. If you have browse and usage permissions you can store or retrieve items.\n\nTo deposit an item, open the item bar and <CS>drag the item to the bank's space</CS>. Similarly, to withdraw an item, just drag an item from the bank to your item bar.\n\nHowever, the <CP>Guild Leader</CP> has the ability to limit the <CS>number of items</CS> each member can withdraw from the bank. For details of your Guild Bank's permissions please ask your Guild Leader.]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_78|<CS>Deposit and Withdrawal Records</CS>\n\nAll guild members have access to the deposit and withdrawal records, including the player name, number of items, and time.]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_79|<CS>Permission Settings</CS>\n\nThis function can only be used by the <CP>Guild Leader</CP>.\n\nThe Guild Bank permissions include <CS>browsing</CS> and <CS>placing</CS>. Each member's permissions must be set by the <CP>Guild Leader</CP> in the \"<CS>Permission Settings</CS>\" page. The permissions can also be set to allow members to withdraw a limited <CS>number</CS> of items each day, and once the limit is reached they can no longer withdraw items.\n\nThe settings for each page of the Guild Bank are <CS>independent</CS> so that different types of items may be managed separately.]\n\n[SC_GUILDGIRL_P1_80|<CS>Purchasing a New Page</CS>\n\nThis function can only be used by the <CP>Guild Leader</CP>.\n\nIf the bank's space is insufficient, choose Purchase a New Page and pay the required <CS>resources</CS>. A new blank page will be created where more items may be stored.]
TUTORIAL_TEXT6At the top of the Message Window are the Channel Tabs. Each tab is set to a different channel as default. Left-click on a tab to view it.\n\nAfter selecting a tab, right-click to open the <CY>Tab Right-click Menu</CY>. This menu contains several options.\n\nEach message window tab may be expanded to form a separate window as follows:\n\n(1) Select the <CB>Lock Tab (A)</CB> option in the Tab Right-click Menu and check remove. \n\n(2) Left-click and hold the tab, then drag.\n\nIf the tab being moved is the expanded tab, then the <CY>whole message window will move</CY>; if another tab is moved it will <CY>expand to form a separate window</CY>.\n\nTo return the dragged out window to its original position, use the <CY>Dock Tab</CY> option in the Tab Right-click Menu.
TUTORIAL_TEXT7Pressing <CY>Enter</CY> brings up the <CB>Dialogue Input Box (A)</CB> at the bottom of the message window. Input your text then press Enter to post.\n\nPress the <CB>Select Chat Channel Button (B)</CB> in front of the dialogue input box to select the channel you want to chat in. To jump quickly between chat channels you can also input the following at the beginning of the text you want to communicate:\n\n<CG>Say</CG> - If you want to speak to people in your vicinity enter:\n<CY>/s followed by what you want to say</CY>.\n\n<CG>Whisper</CG> - If you want to speak quietly to a certain person enter:\n<CY>/w, and type the intended recipient of the message, followed by what you want to say</CY>.\n\n<CG>Party Channel</CG> - If you are in a party and wish to speak to your companions enter:\n<CY>/p followed by what you want to say</CY>.\n\n<CG>Guild Channel</CG> - If you are member of a guild and wish to speak to other guild members enter: \n<CY>/g followed by what you want to say</CY>.\n\n<CG>Zone Channel</CG> - If you have reached a certain level and wish to speak to everyone in your current zone enter:\n<CY>/z followed by what you want to say</CY>.\n\n<CG>World Channel</CG> - If you want the whole world to see your message enter:\n<CY>/y followed by what you want to say</CY>.
TUTORIAL_TEXT8Each tab on the message window can be set to receive messages from a particular channel and be assigned a particular color. To reveal the channel settings interface, simply right-click a tab on the message window and then select <CY>Channel Settings</CY> from the <CY>Tab Right-click Menu</CY>. \n\nThere are two boxes in front of each channel name in the interface. The left box is a <CB>check box (A)</CB> and when checked <CY>messages from that channel</CY> will be received. The box on the right is a <CB>Color Box (B)</CB>. Press this to <CY>change a channel's assigned color</CY>.
TUTORIAL_TEXT9In addition to the system default channels you can create your own channels. Simply right-click a tab on the message window and then select <CY>Create Channel</CY> from the <CY>Tab Right-click Menu</CY> to reveal the channel creation interface. To create a channel enter <CB>Channel Name (A)</CB> and <CB>Password (B)</CB> then confirm. Your channel will be created immediately.\n\nIf you want to join a channel created by another player, select <CY>Join Private Channel</CY> from the <CY>Tab Right-click Menu</CY> and enter a channel name and password (if the channel has a password) in the field.
TUTORIAL_TIPClick to open the help instructions
TUTORIAL_TITLE10Dialogue Window
TUTORIAL_TITLE12Channel Selection
TUTORIAL_TITLE16Experience Bar
TUTORIAL_TITLE18Quest Tracking
TUTORIAL_TITLE20Rental Functions
TUTORIAL_TITLE21Transport Book
TUTORIAL_TITLE24Character Interface

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