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WY_GHOST_GAZE_CASTHaha! No one can escape darkness!
WY_GHOST_GAZE_OUTCOMESisters, enjoy your food!
WY_GHOST_LIFE_SIPHONLife...nothing is forever...
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_ALREADYHow nice to see you again! If you want to take part in our little show again, come back tomorrow.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_ENDCongratulations! With your help, Little Red Riding Hood was able to reach the end!
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_EXPLANEThe participants have a total of <CS>90 seconds</CS>. They need to direct <CN>Little Red Riding Hood</CN> along the path using the <CN>Signposts</CN>. At the same time they need to make sure that she doesn't run into the Big Bad Wolf. She should also collect up to three <CN>flowers</CN>. As soon as the players manage to direct Little Red Riding Hood to the end, or when the time has run out, they will each receive 1 to 5 <CN>Fairy Tale Point Cards</CN> depending on how successful they were. Do you want to try it?
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_FAILOh no! The Big Bad Wolf has found me!
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_FINYoohoo! We made it! Thank you!
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_FINISH! I was able to get away from the Big Bad Wolf, and now I can go and meet grandmother in safety!
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_FLOWERThis flower is so pretty! Grandmother will love it.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_GREETWe of the Storytelling Troupe have modeled this event on the basis of the famous fairytale <CN>Little Red Riding Hood</CN>. Do you want to try it?
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_HOWHmm... how does this event work?
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_INPLAYThe show has begun! What are you standing around for? Get on the stage and help Little Red Riding Hood.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_INVAIDThe event is already in progress. Please wait in the event area.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_MESSAGEOnly players who are taking part in the event can use this item.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_OORYou have left the event area. The event will be canceled.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_ORGLittle Red Riding Hood's Starting Point
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_REDGreetings! Great to see you can take part in out little event. Let's get started!
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_REDENDOur performance has come to an end. Let's hear a round of applause!
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_REDSTARTAh! Someone else who wants to take part in our little show! Bravo! Bravo!
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_REDTELLOh noes! The wolf has found me. I'll go back to the start. Come with me and we can try it again. We don't have much time left.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_RESTARTOh! The Big Bad Wolf is so frightening! We ought to be careful this time.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_RSOPOkay. Let's set off again!
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_STARTLittle Red Riding Hood says: Let's go. Help me to avoid the Big Bad Wolf.\nAnd if you see any flowers on the way, lead me to them so I can pick them for my grandmother.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_WAIT<CN>The event is already in progress!</CN> If you want to take part in the event, you'll have to wait until the current show is over. In the meantime, why don't we watch the current performance together? What do you think?
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_WARNINGBe careful! You're a long way from the event area. If you leave it completely, the event will be canceled.
WY_STORY_REDRIDINGHOOD_WHORUMy mother told me never to talk to strangers.

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