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WY_Z166_B5_ANGRYFew have ever managed to inflame my rage. None has survived to tell the tale!
WY_Z166_B5_BRUST[108441|Manakaza] is ready to release the overflowing Voidal Energy.
WY_Z166_B5_CUBE[108441|Manakaza] has compressed a strange cube.
WY_Z166_B5_STARTDo you seriously dare challenge me in combat?
WY_Z27_HALF_HEALTHTaren angrily summons the hurricane. The doldrums are over!
WY_Z27_I_AM_SLOWEDThe "Hurricane Binding" are overwhelming me! Please help me, otherwise I will not get free!
WY_Z27_I_AM_STUCKEDWe are trapped in Taren's "Hurricane Binding". Go back as far as possible, otherwise I will not be able to free myself from this prison.
WY_Z27_ONE_LAST_TIMEVery good! I can clearly sense the power of the binds diminishing. Come back to me one final time and we will finish them!
WY_Z27_STAY_THERE(You sense Taren's conciousness entering yours. You are surrounded by a gentle breeze, as the world around you begins to blur...)
WY_Z27_STORM_DOWNThe magical power holding the storm together ebbs away. Having lost its power, the storm lessens to a gentle breeze...
WY_Z27_STORM_JOINTYou sense the currents of air swirling around you, brewing a new storm. If you do not eliminate the magic at the epicentre, or shatter the centre, you will be in real danger!
WY_Z27_SUPER_STORMTaren increases the atmospheric pressure, creating a tremendous tornado!
WY_Z27_SUPER_VACUUMTaren spreads the atmospheric low pressure and generates a terrifying vacuum!
WY_Z27_TIME40Taren summons the powers of the hurricane for a time. He gathers strength and creates a hurricane!
WY_Z27_TIMESUPThe power of the hurricane exhausts Taren's body. The hurricane slowly subsides.
WY_Z27_UPDRAFTTaren summons a upward streaming flow of air, flinging an enemy who was following him away. Do not underestimate the terrifying power that Taren has, instead destroy the remaining air magic!
YELL_100069Your sense of humor is admirable, but we will join the fight to be on the safe side. Please forgive me.
YELL_100264Damn... It was not easy obtaining so much power! My power...
YELL_100265_0I have regained my power... Vengeance! True fear and humiliation will be brought back to this world!
YELL_100265_1Ignorant human! Your foolish efforts may put Androlier to sleep, but can never destroy him!
YU_111353_D1Since my fate seems tied to yours, I might as well let you know that I, by chance, came across a precious recipe several years ago that can imbue artifacts with special rune powers. However, the various rare materials required by the recipe are extremely difficult to find. After years of searching, I came across this Windmill Basement, which has been sealed by a strong rune.\n\nAccording to town legend, a variety of cursed earth spirits and monsters are sealed inside the basement for a long time, but after prolonged contact with the rune power, they have grown stronger as their bodies slowly change and adapt to the magical rune power.\n\nAfter extensive exploration, I finally found a way to get around the seal's repelling power, and successfully gathered several rare materials from the Windmill Basement that can be refined into valuable items. Over several years I battled with the monsters while on my collection raids, and have developed a method to get in and out as swiftly as possible. But then just as I was close to finishing my work, something unexpected happened.... and from then on I am only able to linger here like this, leaving my life goal unfinished....
YU_111353_D10He he, do you see the big windmill behind me? The entrance to it has been sealed by some mysterious blue light. If you want to enter the [ZONE_TILEDGN_WINDMILL_BASEMENT|Windmill Basement] you have to get the materials to make a vapor stone from those Golos. They live in the [ZONE_DEADWOOD CAVERN|Dead Tree Cave] and in the [ZONE_THE WRETCHED GROTTO|Barren Caves]. As soon as you have the vapor stone, you can enter without the seal binding you. But the effect of the vapor stone will not last too long, maybe just one hour. So once you got the materials, bring them to me and I will make it for you.
YU_111353_D12Ahh... you don't have enough materials to make the Vapor stone.... The materials needed to create these Vapor Stones have to be taken separately from the Golos, earth spirits of Dead Tree Cave and the Barren Caves. \n\nThese earth spirits are not dangerous. If you want to enter the Windmill Basement, you should first go to find these earth spirits and collect the materials. Don't collect too little! Afterwards I can help you refine the materials into useful Vapor Stones!
YU_111353_D13You're still carrying that vapor stone I helped you refine earlier! Carrying too many of them will bring you more harm than good.
YU_111353_D2Inside the Windmill Basement are two powerful monsters. One is the "Imperial Mage Hodu Hammertooth" of the Hammertooth Goblin Empire. The other is his ally, "Kobold King Bonebreaker".\n\nIt is said that 12 years ago, in order to expand their power, the Eye of Wisdom targeted the resource-rich Howling Mountains, launching a magical eradication campaign to clear out those dangerous monsters that threatened the humans in the region. \n\nThe most powerful monster at the time was Pirlanok, who called on the earth spirits, goblins, and various other native creatures of the Howling Mountains to resist. Hodu Hammertooth and Bonebreaker answered his call, adding two extremely powerful armies to his cause. Of course, this led to a very terrible and desperate battle.\n\nUltimately, the Eye of Wisdom managed to seal Pirlanok into the Dead Tree Cave and forced the remnants of Hodu Hammertooth and Bonebreaker's armies to flee into the Windmill Basement - where the Eye of Wisdom had prepared powerful magical seals and sacred vessels. Once the armies were inside, the Eye of Wisdom quickly activated these seals, imprisoning Hodu and Bonebreaker within.\n\nAlthough only remnants of their original armies are left, these remnants are still very strong. If you underestimate them, you will surely regret it!
YU_111353_D3Those special materials must be obtained from the two leaders and their remaining troops. Though they have been defeated they are still very strong. Both races have already lived there together for a long time, so be careful!\n\nAccording to my experience, Hodu Hammertooth is very sly. When severely hurt he will hide himself in another room and wait for an opportunity to start an ambush. Like a rabbit he has multiple escape routes. Be extremely careful when pursuing him.
YU_111353_D4The Windmill Basement is tightly sealed. If you try to pass through the seal to enter the Basement, it will repel you with a very strong force. But if we cast a protective magical enchantment on ourselves that is similar to the nature of the seal itself, then we will be able to enter. This, at least, is what my friend at the Eye of Wisdom told me! However, catalyzing this kind of magic requires a Vapor Stone to act as a medium.\n\nThe materials needed to create these Vapor Stones can be found with the Dead Tree Cave and Barren Caves earth spirit Golos. These earth spirits are not dangerous. If you want to enter the Windmill Basement, you should first go to find these earth spirits and collect the materials. Make sure you get enough! Afterwards I can help you refine the materials into useful Vapor Stones!
YU_111353_D5You want to first see the recipe? Oh alright. Although I haven't been able to collect all of these materials in person, I haven't been idle over the years either; I've designed many weapons and equipment that best maximize the effectiveness of the rare materials' power.\n\nHowever, in order to understand these recipes, you need some production knowledge - at least some basic blacksmithing, carpentry, armorcrafting and tailoring. If you haven't learned these skills yet, these precious recipes will be meaningless to you.\n\nLogar has many experts that specialize in these skills - I won't teach you them myself. Consider this a test of your sincerity! If you don't have the necessary skills to read these recipes, learning them will also greatly benefit your future adventuring!

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num pages: 8199