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Z25_QUEST426039_00[Sys426039_name|Local Justice]: I'm prepared for the battle.
Z25_QUEST426041_00Give the [242240|Machine Structure Draft] to [121924|Lina Lukasz].
Z25_QUEST426042_00Give the [242240|Machine Structure Draft] to [121925|Potman Oley].
Z25_QUEST426044_00Report to [121924|Lina Lukasz] how it went and the result.
Z25_QUEST426045_00Haha, that troublesome guy! Everything is too late now!
Z25_QUEST426045_01Humph! No one can stop Master [121943|Klamorte's] plan!
Z25_QUEST426045_02Haha, how can I forget your stupid look!
Z30_PIRATEBATTLE_01This here one's mine. Go find your own prey!
Z30_PIRATEBATTLE_02Burn! Burn! Burn!
Z30_PIRATEBATTLE_03Leave this one to me!
Z30_PIRATEBATTLE_04Go help out at the surrounding bases!
Z30_PIRATEBATTLE_05The bases around the camp are badly in need of help!
Z33_QUEST_EVENT_ALREADY_RUNThe event is already in progress. You can join now or restart the event in a short while.
Z33_QUEST_EVENT_BEGINGet ready! The event is starting again!
Z33_QUEST_EVENT_ENDEvent completed successfully!
Z33_QUEST_EVENT_NOTE_1Defeat all the enemy waves!
Z33_QUEST_EVENT_NOTE_2Watch out! The second attack wave is coming!
Z33_QUEST_EVENT_NOTE_3Get ready for the final enemy wave!
Z34_QUEST427360_01You can't use the transport portal. You haven't met the necessary requirements.
Z34_QUEST427360_02Do you want to use the transport portal?
Z34_QUEST427375_01A magical force transports you outside!
Z34_QUEST427389_01You have already defeated [105775|Mazzren's Ghost].
Z34_QUEST427389_02The compass indicates that [105775|Mazzren's Ghost] is nearby.
Z34_QUEST427389_03There's no sign of [105775|Mazzren's Ghost].
Z34_QUEST427389_05The signal from [105775|Mazzren's Ghost] is far away from you.
Z34_QUEST427389_06The signal from [105775|Mazzren's Ghost] is some distance off.
Z34_QUEST427389_07The signal from [105775|Mazzren's Ghost] is close.
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTBEGINBe on your guard! The enemy may attack at any moment.

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