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Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTENDYou've defended [124187|Wendy Norbert] successfully.
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTNOTE1Fight back the enemy!
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTNOTE2Be careful! There's still one left!
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTNOTE3Pull yourself together! You still need to defeat the final enemy.
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTOPTIONStarting installation of the Magic Detector.
Z34_QUEST427393_EVENTRUNThe enemy is still on the prowl. You must continue to protect [124187|Wendy Norbert].
Z34_QUEST427394_01Please give me a few more [<S>243302|Barrier Projectors].
Z34_QUEST427399_01Your measurements of the energy fluctuations are complete.
Z34_QUEST427399_02The [208386|Magic Analyzer] isn't reacting in any way.
Z34_QUEST427399_03The [208386|Magic Analyzer] is gathering data on the energy fluctuations.
Z34_QUEST427399_04The [208386|Magic Analyzer] has recorded all the data on the energy fluctuations.
Z34_QUEST427399_05The [208386|Magic Analyzer] failed to record the data.
Z34_QUEST427399_06Record Data on Energy Fluctuations
Z34_QUEST427403_01You've already captured enough jungle creatures.
Z34_QUEST427403_02You've caught a creature from the jungle.
Z34_QUEST427403_03The jungle creature got away.
Z34_QUEST427403_04Catch Jungle Creature
Z34_QUEST427403_05You'll need to fight the jungle creature first before you can capture it.
Z34_QUEST427403_06What you've caught isn't a jungle creature.
Z34_QUEST427406_01Hand me a couple more [<S>243303|Identification Devices].
Z34_QUEST427407_01You don't need these items any more.
Z34_QUEST427407_02You put together a [208400|Inexorable League Costume] from the individual pieces.
Z34_QUEST427407_03You're still short of a few pieces for the costume.
Z34_QUEST427407_04Combines Pieces to Make Costume
Z34_QUEST427408_EVENTBEGINGet ready! The [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] will be attacking soon.
Z34_QUEST427408_EVENTENDThe [ZONE_FORT_CRUX|Gray Citadel] was defended successfully.
Z34_QUEST427408_EVENTNOTE1Defeat the waves of attacking [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] troops!
Z34_QUEST427408_EVENTNOTE2Warning! The second attack wave is incoming.
Z34_QUEST427408_EVENTNOTE3Do your best! The final attack wave must be repulsed.
Z34_QUEST427408_EVENTOPTIONHelp to repel the [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] assault!

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