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Z34_QUEST427408_EVENTRUNThe [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League's] assault is not over yet. Please help in the defense!
Z34_QUEST427418_01You've made a copy of the [124220|Magic Circle] in the [208398|Magical Sketchbook].
Z34_QUEST427418_02You already have a copy of this [124220|Magic Circle].
Z34_QUEST427418_03There are no magic circles in the nearby vicinity.
Z34_QUEST427418_04Copy Magic Circle
Z35_QUEST427461_01The protective power of the [<S>124331|Darkwind Talismans] prevents you from transcribing the spatial spell inscribed in the [124404|Altar of the Dying Sea].
Z35_QUEST427477_BOSSYELLYou dare to take my son from me! You'll pay for that with your life!
Z35_QUEST427479_01So... you want to get your hands on the Oracle Crystal? Then show me what you can do! Hahaha...
Z35_QUEST427479_02You're stronger than I thought.
Z35_QUEST427479_03Sadly for you, the prophecy and my power came from an even higher being, a being you won't stand a chance again.
Z35_QUEST427479_04You just cling to your miserable grain of hope. I will complete the displacement ritual in the [ZONE_FROSTSABER_UPLAND|Ice Blade Plateau] regardless, and shatter your quantum of hope into a thousand pieces.
Z35_QUEST427479_06[109376|Cibel] uses a transport spell and disappears. The [124412|Oracle Crystal] is destroyed...
Z35_QUEST427496_EVENTBEGINPrepare yourselves! The enemy is in position ready to attack.
Z35_QUEST427496_EVENTENDThe [ZONE_SNOWFOG_CAMP|Icefog Camp] has been defended successfully.
Z35_QUEST427496_EVENTNOTE1Repulse the enemy's waves of attack!
Z35_QUEST427496_EVENTNOTE2Careful! Here's the next wave of enemies!
Z35_QUEST427496_EVENTNOTE3Stay strong! We have to fight back the enemy down to the last man!
Z35_QUEST427496_EVENTRUNThe [RESTLESS_SONS|Inexorable League] keeps attacking the camp. You have to defend it.
Z35_QUEST427499_01You've already recorded the magic fluctuation data.
Z35_QUEST427499_02The [243457|Fluctuation Sensor] isn't showing any response.
Z35_QUEST427499_03The [243457|Fluctuation Sensor] has started recording the magic fluctuations.
Z35_QUEST427499_04The [243457|Fluctuation Sensor] has completed recording the magic fluctuations.
Z35_QUEST427499_05The [243457|Fluctuation Sensor] is reporting an error.
Z35_QUEST427499_06Recording Magic Fluctuations
Z36_QUEST427571_01([109479|Kadnis'] voice can be heard on the air.)
Z36_QUEST427571_02Do not celebrate too soon! The one you defeated was just one of the doppelgangers I bred!
Z36_QUEST427571_03Tell [124472|Ansari] that the Angren Leonine and the Jyr'na Elves will still become my slaves sooner or later.
Z36_QUEST427571_04The seed of total decay has already been sown. Now all that remains to be done is the germination ceremony in the [ZONE_SOLARMUSE_ALTAR|Sun Temple of Eternal Sleep]...

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