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ZONE16_K3Are you talking of [115032|Namoc Keyr]? I know of his feelings. In fact, it is not necessary to have a valiant archer as a boyfriend. \nI don't care about his social status nor his superior bow technique, all I care about is his courage. \nA man being in love with me for ten years and not having the courage to tell me; is it OK to believe that we have some kind of future together?
ZONE16_K4If you don't have a problem, then please do not bother my practice, if [115032|Namoc Keyr] has something to say to me ask him to come here himself.
ZONE16_K5I just want to know what this kind of flower is called.
ZONE16_K6This flower...all people of [ZONE_SHADOR|Shador] know it, you don't have to come to ask me.
ZONE16_K7Do you really hate [115032|Namoc Keyr]?
ZONE16_K8I do not have the strength to like someone who has no courage to talk to me.
ZONE16_K9Sorry, please forgive me.
ZONE21_01Kingdom of Lechif
ZONE955_JOLIN_S1Only I can sing on my stage!

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