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Sys623219_shortnoteReduce el daño recibido en un (Buff0) % y todos los hechizos se vuelven instantáneos.Reduces damage suffered by (Buff0)% and all spells become instant.
Sys623222_nameAtaque de tierraEarth Attack
Sys623222_name_pluralAtaques de tierraEarth Attacks
Sys623222_shortnoteAumenta el daño de tierra recibido en un (Buff0)%.Increases earth damage taken by (Buff0)%.
Sys623223_nameEspíritu de infiltraciónInfiltration Spirit
Sys623223_name_pluralEspíritu de infiltraciónInfiltration Spirits
Sys623223_shortnoteReduce la [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDEF|Defensa mágica] en un (Buff0)%.Reduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDEF|Magical Defense] by (Buff0)%.
Sys623224_nameProtección de la Madre TierraMother Earth's Protection
Sys623224_name_pluralProtección de la Madre TierraMother Earth's Protections
Sys623224_shortnoteEl [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Daño físico] recibido disminuye un (Buff0)% y el [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Daño mágico] un (Buff0)%.[SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physical Damage] received is reduced by (Buff0)% and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magical Damage] received is reduced by (Buff0)%.
Sys623225_shortnote¡Sois un héroe benevolente y valiente!\n\nPor favor, no abandonéis el área del evento después de llevar a cabo el registro si no queréis perder el derecho a participar.You are a brave and benevolent hero!\n\nPlease don't leave the event area after you've registered, or you'll lose your participation rights!
Sys623226_nameGuardaespaldasBody Guard
Sys623226_shortnoteNadie os molestará mientras el guardaespaldas esté con vos.You will not be harassed while the Body Guard is protecting you.
Sys623228_shortnote¡Habéis sido inmovilizado! No podréis moveros o utilizar habilidades durante un tiempo.You have been immobilized! You can't move or use skills for a certain time.
Sys623229_nameHabilidad de subastaAuction Skill
Sys623229_shortnote¡Utilizar [623229|Habilidad de subasta] para ganar la puja!Use [623229|Auction Skill] to win the auction!
Sys623237_nameNúmero de pujasNumber of Bids
Sys623237_shortnoteVuestro número actual de pujas.Your current number of bids.
Sys623246_nameHaciendo pastar las vacasGrazing the cattle
Sys623246_name_pluralHaciendo pastar las vacasGrazing the cattle
Sys623247_nameBendición élficaElf Blessing
Sys623247_name_pluralBendición élficaElf Blessings
Sys623247_shortnoteAumenta la [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Defensa física] y restablece PV cada segundo.Increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] and restores HP every second.
Sys623248_nameLíder salvajeFeral Leader
Sys623248_name_pluralLíderes salvajesFeral Leaders
Sys623248_shortnoteAumenta el daño infligido en un (Buff0)% y reduce el daño recibido en un (Buff2)%.Increases damage you inflict by (Buff0)% and reduces damage suffered by (Buff2)%.
Sys623249_nameReduce el aggroReduce Aggro
Sys623249_name_pluralReduce el aggroReduce Aggro

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