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Sys623249_shortnoteReduce el aggro generado en un (Buff0)%.Reduces aggro generated by (Buff0)%.
Sys623251_nameEntorno boscosoForest Surround
Sys623251_name_pluralEntorno boscosoForest Surrounds
Sys623251_shortnoteLa [SC_SKILLTIPS_CAST|Velocidad de invocación] aumenta en un (Buff0)%.[SC_SKILLTIPS_CAST|Casting Speed] is increased by (Buff0)%.
Sys623252_nameFlecha cortavientosWind-piercing Arrow
Sys623252_name_pluralFlecha cortavientosWind-piercing Arrows
Sys623252_shortnoteLa [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Velocidad de ataque físico] aumenta en un (Buff0)%.[SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Physical Attack Speed] is increased by (Buff0)%
Sys623253_nameCorazón del RobleHeart of the Oak
Sys623253_name_pluralCorazones del RobleHearts of the Oak
Sys623253_shortnoteEstáis protegido por el poder del roble y podréis resistir los dos ataques siguientes. La [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Fuerza] aumenta en un (Buff0)%.You are protected by the power of the oak tree and will be able to resist the next 2 attacks. Your [SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] is increased by (Buff0)%.
Sys623254_nameSigilo enemigoEnemy Sigil
Sys623254_name_pluralSigilo enemigoEnemy Sigils
Sys623254_shortnote¡Némesis! ¡Debéis morir!Nemesis! You must die!
Sys623265_nameExplosión de poderExplosion of Power
Sys623265_name_pluralExplosión de poderExplosion of Power
Sys623265_shortnoteAumenta temporalmente la [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Velocidad de ataque físico] y la fuerza de ataque físico y mágico en un (Buff0)%.Temporarily increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Physical Attack Speed], physical and magical attack strength by (Buff0)%.
Sys623267_nameEscudo de zarzasBriar Shield
Sys623267_name_pluralEscudos de zarzasBriar Shields
Sys623267_shortnoteOs encontráis rodeado de zarzas.You are surrounded with thorns.
Sys623268_nameSello de zarzasThorn Sigil
Sys623268_name_pluralSellos de zarzasThorn Sigils
Sys623268_shortnoteAumenta el aggro provocado por los ataques en un (Buff0)%.Increases aggro created by attacks by (Buff0)%.
Sys623269_nameEl despertar de la bestiaBeast Awakening
Sys623269_name_pluralEl despertar de la bestiaBeast Awakenings
Sys623269_shortnoteAumenta los PV máximos en un (Buff0)%.Increases maximum HP by (Buff0)%.
Sys623271_nameErupción tóxicaToxic Eruption
Sys623271_name_pluralErupción tóxicaToxic Eruptions
Sys623271_shortnoteInflige (Buff-Dot) de daño cada 2 segundos.Causes (Buff-Dot) damage every 2 seconds.
Sys623275_nameConseguir tiempoTime Extraction
Sys623275_name_pluralConseguir tiempoTime Extraction

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