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Sys624452_nameInsecto de sombra oscuraDark Shadow Bug
Sys624452_shortnoteEl veneno de este insecto penetra vuestro cuerpo, infligiendo un (Buff-Dot)% de daño cada segundo.The bug poison is penetrating into your body, causing (Buff-Dot)% damage every second.
Sys624454_nameExtrusión de vacíoVoid Extrusion
Sys624454_shortnote[102995|Maderoth] lanza Extrusión de vacío sobre vos.[102995|Maderoth] is casting Void Extrusion on you.
Sys624455_shortnoteAlgo os contiene y sois incapaz de usar ataques mágicos de forma temporal.You have been contained, making you temporarily unable to use magical attack.
Sys624457_namePoder del destierroPower of Banishment
Sys624458_namePoder de runa de colapsoCollapse Rune Power
Sys624458_shortnoteRestable un (Buff-Dot)% de PV cada segundo.Restores HP by (Buff-Dot)% every second.
Sys624463_nameDetector ForjasombraShadowforge Detector
Sys624463_name_pluralDetectores ForjasombraShadowforge Detectors
Sys624463_shortnoteCuando aparezca un Castigador, ya no tendréis que preocuparos por los enemigos que haya a vuestro alrededor, sino del rico aroma a alcohol que proviene del interior de la máquina.With the appearance of a Punisher, you don't need to worry about enemies around, but you should be worried about the rich smell of alcohol inside the machine!
Sys624473_nameAerosol de sangreSpray Blood
Sys624473_name_pluralAerosol de sangreSpray Blood
Sys624473_shortnoteUn aerosol de sangre fresca.A spray of fresh blood.
Sys624478_nameÁcido fórmico debilitanteWeakening Formic Acid
Sys624478_name_pluralÁcido fórmico debilitanteWeakening Formic Acid
Sys624478_shortnoteDisminuye la [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Velocidad de movimiento] en un (Buff1)% y la [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Velocidad de ataque físico] en un (Buff0)%.Decreases [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] by (Buff1)% and [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Physical Attack Speed] by (Buff0)%.
Sys624480_nameAumento de velocidadSpeed Increase
Sys624480_name_pluralAumento de velocidadSpeed Increase
Sys624480_shortnoteAumenta la [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Velocidad de ataque físico] en un (Buff0)%.Increases [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Physical Attack Speed] by (Buff0)%.
Sys624482_nameLugar sospechosoSuspicious Location
Sys624482_name_pluralLugares sospechososSuspicious Locations
Sys624482_shortnoteHabéis descubierto un lugar sospechoso marcado por Maderoth. Por favor, ¡parad a investigarlo!You've discovered a suspicious location marked by Maderoth. Please stop and investigate it!
Sys624484_nameRaíces de la IraRoots of Rage
Sys624484_name_pluralRaíces de la IraRoots of Rage
Sys624484_shortnoteCuando la semilla tenga agua, echará raíces...When a seed gets water, it will strike roots...
Sys624487_nameEmperatriz arroganteArrogant Empress
Sys624487_shortnote¡Yo soy la Reina de las Kulech! ¡Todas viven para mí! ¡Mi fuerza aumentará tras absorber vuestras vidas!I am the Queen of the Kulech! They all live for me! My strength will grow by absorbing your lives!

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