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Sys624715_nameNotrans: TW - Sys624715_nameNotrans: TW - Sys624715_name
Sys624715_name_pluralNotrans: TW - Sys624715_name_pluralNotrans: TW - Sys624715_name_plural
Sys624715_shortnoteNotrans: TW - Sys624715_shortnoteNotrans: TW - Sys624715_shortnote
Sys624716_nameNotrans: TW - Sys624716_nameNotrans: TW - Sys624716_name
Sys624716_name_pluralNotrans: TW - Sys624716_name_pluralNotrans: TW - Sys624716_name_plural
Sys624716_shortnoteNotrans: TW - Sys624716_shortnoteNotrans: TW - Sys624716_shortnote
Sys624717_nameNotrans: TW - Sys624717_nameNotrans: TW - Sys624717_name
Sys624717_name_pluralNotrans: TW - Sys624717_name_pluralNotrans: TW - Sys624717_name_plural
Sys624717_shortnoteNotrans: TW - Sys624717_shortnoteNotrans: TW - Sys624717_shortnote
Sys624718_nameNotrans: TW - Sys624718_nameNotrans: TW - Sys624718_name
Sys624718_name_pluralNotrans: TW - Sys624718_name_pluralNotrans: TW - Sys624718_name_plural
Sys624718_shortnoteNotrans: TW - Sys624718_shortnoteNotrans: TW - Sys624718_shortnote
Sys624725_nameMaldición de las atadurasCurse of Binding
Sys624725_shortnoteOs impide atacar y avanzar.Hampers your ability to attack and advance.
Sys624726_nameEn obrasWork In Progress
Sys624726_name_pluralEn obrasWork In Progress
Sys624727_nameMomento del desafíoChallenge Time
Sys624727_shortnoteMientras permanecéis inactivo, el tiempo se os escapa irremisiblemente...While you're inactive, the time keeps on trickling away...
Sys624729_nameMaldición del Devorador de almasCurse of the Soul Devourer
Sys624729_shortnote[107966|Sarsidan] maldice a sus enemigos. Vais perdiendo vigor y vitalidad poco a poco.[107966|Sarsidan] curses his enemies. You slowly lose vitality and vigor.
Sys624732_nameEscisión de almasSoul Split
Sys624732_shortnoteEl ataque de [107966|Sarsidan] causa daños a vuestras almas. Los hechizos curativos tienen efectos muy débiles sobre vosotros.[107966|Sarsidan's] attack damages your soul. Healing spells now only have a weak effect on you.
Sys624733_nameEscudo de resonanciaResonance Shield
Sys624733_shortnote[Sys622098_shortnote|Un escudo amorfo de ondas sónicas. Cuando la energía del ataque lo alcanza produce un eco que causa daños graves al atacante.][Sys622098_shortnote|An amorphous shield made of sonic waves. When the energy of an attack penetrates the shield, an echo is created, inflicting great damage on the attacker.]
Sys624736_nameVibración silenteSilent Vibration
Sys624736_shortnoteLas repetidas ondas sónicas os hacen perder la orientación temporalmente. La energía de las ondas se expande por vuestros cuerpos y os inmoviliza.The recurring sonic waves cause you to lose orientation briefly. The energy of the waves spreads across your entire body and leave you unable to move.
Sys624738_shortnoteUn fuerte golpe provoca que vuestra defensa baje paulatinamente.A heavy blow slowly causes your defense to fall.
Sys624739_nameInundación descontroladaRaging Flood

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