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Sys625057_name_pluralÚltimos erroresFinal Mistakes
Sys625057_shortnote¡Esta es vuestra última oportunidad! La parca ya os saluda con la mano.This is your final chance! The Grim Reaper is already waiting.
Sys625063_nameEncantamiento eternoEternal Spell
Sys625063_name_pluralEncantamientos eternosEternal Spells
Sys625063_shortnote¡El ritual ha comenzado! La fuerza del encantamiento de [108250|Kidd] comienza a surtir efecto.The ritual has begun! [108250|Kidd's] spell is already having an effect.
Sys625066_nameFuerza corruptoraPower of Corruption
Sys625066_name_pluralFuerzas corruptorasPowers of Corruption
Sys625066_shortnoteSentís que vuestra fuerza defensiva os abandona poco a poco. Cuanto mayor es la fuerza corruptora, más se debilita el cuerpo.The body's defensive abilities gradually slacken. The stronger the Power of Corruption, the weaker the body becomes.
Sys625076_nameAtrofia de vidaLife Atrophy
Sys625076_name_pluralAtrofias de vidaLife Atrophy
Sys625076_shortnoteLa maldición os arrebata la vitalidad a una velocidad vertiginosa. Perdéis un (Buff-Dot)% de vuestros PV por segundo.The curse sucks the life out of you with frantic speed. You lose (Buff-Dot)% HP every second.
Sys625078_shortnoteSolo la concentración despejará el camino a través de la tormenta. La [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Velocidad de movimiento] disminuye en un (Buff0)%.It is only possible to cut a path through the storm with the utmost concentration. [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] is reduced by (Buff0)%.
Sys625081_shortnoteEl mazo de los poderoso os asesta un buen golpe frontal.You are hit frontally by the mace of the mighty.
Sys625083_nameSangre salvajeFeral Blood
Sys625083_name_pluralSangres salvajesFeral Blood
Sys625083_shortnote[106791|Adur] es un lobo de combate, por eso aumentan su [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Daño físico] y su [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Velocidad de ataque físico].[106791|Adur] is a battlewolf, hence his [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physical Damage] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_DPS|Physical Attack Speed] are increased.
Sys625084_nameMordedura abiertaGaping Bite Wound
Sys625084_name_pluralMordeduras abiertasGaping Bite Wounds
Sys625084_shortnoteLa mordedura del lobo os arrebata un (Buff-Dot)% de PV por segundo.The wolf's bite draws (Buff-Dot)% HP from you every second.
Sys625086_nameAullido de terrorHowl of Terror
Sys625086_name_pluralAullidos de terrorHowls of Terror
Sys625086_shortnoteOís el aullido del lobo de combate y os da un vuelco el corazón.The battlewolf's howls cause your heart to leap into your throat.
Sys625087_nameResonancia del loboWolf's Resonance
Sys625087_name_pluralResonancias del loboWolf's Resonances
Sys625087_shortnoteSe aproxima otro lobo de combate. El daño recibido disminuye en un (Buff0)%.A further battlewolf closes in. Damage suffered is reduced by (Buff0)%.
Sys625088_nameAtaque de locuraMadness Attack

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