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Sys625104_name_pluralAnálisis de estadísticas de batallaBattle Data Analyses
Sys625104_shortnoteSe trata de un análisis de los datos recogidos en batalla. Sirve para corregir las técnicas de ataque propias y puede aumentar el [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Daño físico].An analysis of the data gathered in combat. It allows the improvement of attacks and thus increases the [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physical Damage].
Sys625109_nameRayo gélidoFreezing Ray
Sys625109_name_pluralRayos gélidosFreezing Rays
Sys625109_shortnoteEl Rayo gélido os inmoviliza.The Freezing Ray leaves you unable to move.
Sys625112_nameLentitud del transporteTransport Lethargy
Sys625112_name_pluralLentitudes del transporteTransport Lethargy
Sys625112_shortnoteOs habéis topado con una Trampa de transporte que os aturde temporalmente.You have walked into a Transport Trap and are temporarily stunned.
Sys625113_nameEnergía rúnica azulBlue Runic Energy
Sys625113_name_pluralEnergías rúnicas azulesBlue Runic Energies
Sys625113_shortnoteDisminuyen el [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|] y el [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Daño mágico].[SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physical] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magical Damage] are reduced.
Sys625116_namePicadura de insectoInsect Bite
Sys625116_name_pluralPicaduras de insectoInsect Bites
Sys625116_shortnoteRoído por animales dañinos...Nibbling vermin...
Sys625118_nameTormenta de llamasFirestorm
Sys625118_name_pluralTormentas de llamasFirestorms
Sys625118_shortnoteLa [625118|Tormenta de llamas] os pilla por sorpresa. Os quema, os derrota y tenéis la sensación de no poder volver a levantaros.The [625118|Firestorm] surprises you. You suffer terrible burns, are knocked down and cannot get back up again.
Sys625127_nameAullido terroríficoDread Howling
Sys625127_name_pluralAullidos terroríficosDread Howling
Sys625127_shortnoteEl [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Poder de ataque físico] aumenta en un (Buff0)%, la [SC_SKILLTIPS_HITP|Precisión de los ataques físicos] en un (Buff1)%.[SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] is increased by (Buff0)%, [SC_SKILLTIPS_HITP|Physical Attack Accuracy] by (Buff1)%.
Sys625128_nameMordedura terroríficaTerrorbite
Sys625128_name_pluralMordeduras terroríficasTerrorbites
Sys625128_shortnoteLa herida causada por los temibles dientes hace perder (Buff-Dot) PV por segundo.The horrifying teeth have produced a wound which cause you to lose (Buff-Dot) HP every second.
Sys625129_shortnoteOs encontráis aturdido y no podéis moveros.You are stunned and cannot move.
Sys625131_shortnoteEstáis empapado y resulta muy difícil no resbalarse.You're soaked to the bone and have to cope with slipping often.
Sys625132_nameMirada espectralSpectral Eye

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