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Sys625527_nameMordisco de los espíritus de los muertosBite of the Dead Spirits
Sys625527_name_pluralMordiscos de los espíritus de los muertosBites of the Dead Spirits
Sys625527_shortnoteLa corrosión del alma avanza con gran rapidez. Si no os dais prisa, las posibilidades de supervivencia pronto serán nulas.Your soul is gradually being devoured. If you don't act quickly, your chances of survival will soon evaporate.
Sys625529_nameSello demoníacoDevil's Seal
Sys625529_name_pluralSellos demoníacosDevil's Seals
Sys625529_shortnoteLa profundidad a la que se encuentra el sello provoca que la [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL|Curación] vea reducida su eficacia.The seal is very deep, reducing the effect of [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL|Healing].
Sys625532_nameHechizo de M'okM'ok's Spell
Sys625532_name_pluralHechizos de M'okM'ok's Spells
Sys625532_shortnoteSi el hechizo os alcanza, disminuirá vuestra inmunidad. Así que tened cuidado.Once infected, overall immunity is reduced. So be very careful.
Sys625533_shortnotePronto moriréis y ya solo os queda propagar vuestro veneno de cadáver. Las [<S>108927|Marionetas zombi] podrían ser excelentes víctimas.You will soon die. The only thing left to do is spread your corpse poison. [<S>108927|Zombie Marionettes] would make welcome victims.
Sys625534_shortnoteEl cuerpo tembloroso está bajo la influencia del vudú.The quaking body is under voodoo influence.
Sys625537_nameCeremonia de despedida comúnRegular Farewell Ceremony
Sys625537_name_pluralCeremonias de despedida comunesRegular Farewell Ceremonies
Sys625537_shortnote¡Adiós!\n\nSentís cómo vuestra fuerza vital os abandona poco a poco...Farewell!\n\nYou can feel your vital energy slowly leaving you...
Sys625540_nameSuspiro ululanteHowling Sigh
Sys625540_name_pluralSuspiros ululantesHowling Sighs
Sys625540_shortnoteUn suspiro lleno de amargura. Vuestra fuerza vital se desvanece como si estuvierais maldito.A sigh of rancor. Your vital energy is sapped as if you had been cursed.
Sys625541_namePerro fiel de la familia realLoyal Dog of the Royal Family
Sys625541_name_pluralPerros fieles de la familia realLoyal Dogs of the Royal Family
Sys625541_shortnoteLa fuerza incrementa en presencia de [108820|Mollok], [108818|Gokhur] y [108821|Slacy]. Aumentan el [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Poder de ataque físico] y el [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Poder de ataque mágico].Power is increased in the presence of [108820|Mollok], [108818|Gokhur] and [108821|Slacy]. [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] are increased.
Sys625542_nameFuerza del perro fiel de la familia realPower of the Loyal Dog of the Royal Family
Sys625542_name_pluralFuerzas del perro fiel de la familia realPower of the Loyal Dog of the Royal Family
Sys625542_shortnoteMientras [108819|Tona] esté a vuestro lado, todos los ataques quedarán sin efecto.As long as [108819|Tona] is by your side, all attacks are ineffective.
Sys625543_nameAlegría cruelGruesome Glee
Sys625543_name_pluralAlegrías cruelesGruesome Glee
Sys625543_shortnoteLa energía supera el 50%. El [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Poder de ataque físico] y el [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Poder de ataque mágico] aumentan.The energy has exceeded 50%. [SC_SKILLTIPS_01|Physical Attack Power] and [SC_SKILLTIPS_02|Magical Attack Power] will be increased.

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