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Sys625679_name_pluralMaldiciones perniciosasMalignant Curses
Sys625679_shortnoteUna maldición perniciosa. Disminuye la [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL_PASSIVE|Curación recibida] un (Buff0)% y perdéis un (Buff-Dot)% de PV cada segundo.An evil curse. Reduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL_PASSIVE|Received Healing] by (Buff0)% and you lose (Buff-Dot)% HP every second.
Sys625684_nameProtección arcanaArcanium Protection
Sys625684_name_pluralProtecciones arcanasArcanium Protection
Sys625684_shortnoteEl poder arcano os protege. La [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Defensa física] aumenta un (Buff0)%.You are protected by the power of Arcanium. [SC_SKILLTIPS_DEF|Physical Defense] is increased by (Buff0)%.
Sys625686_shortnoteLa piel comienza a pudrirse. Cuanto más se propaga la putrefacción, mayor es el daño sufrido por la víctima.The skin begins to fester. The further the rot spreads, the more damage the victim will suffer.
Sys625687_shortnote¿Acaso los ataques enemigos son cada vez más potentes? No... Vos estáis cada vez más débil...Are your enemies' attacks getting stronger? No... you're getting weaker...
Sys625689_nameSombra de la cuchilla de doble filoShadow of the Two-Edged Blade
Sys625689_name_pluralSombras de la cuchilla de doble filoShadows of the Two-Edged Blade
Sys625689_shortnoteApunta a las piernas y disminuye la [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Velocidad de movimiento] un (Buff0)%.Targets the legs and reduces [SC_SKILLTIPS_MOVE|Movement Speed] by (Buff0)%.
Sys625693_nameAgresividad bullenteBurning Aggression
Sys625693_name_pluralAgresividad bullenteBurning Aggression
Sys625693_shortnoteEl [SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Daño físico] aumenta en (Buff0).[SC_SKILLTIPS_DMG|Physical Damage] is increased by (Buff0).
Sys625694_nameOración del exterminioPrayer of Destruction
Sys625694_name_pluralOraciones del exterminioPrayers of Destruction
Sys625694_shortnoteEl [SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Daño mágico] aumenta en (Buff0).[SC_SKILLTIPS_MDMG|Magical Damage] is increased by (Buff0).
Sys625695_nameIlusión del espectroSpirit Illusion
Sys625695_name_pluralIlusiones del espectroSpirit Illusions
Sys625695_shortnoteLa [SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL|Curación] aumenta en (Buff0).[SC_SKILLTIPS_HEAL|Healing] is increased by (Buff0).
Sys625696_shortnoteOs dais cuenta de que de repente no podéis moveros.You notice you can suddenly no longer move.
Sys625697_nameCapa pegajosaSticky Jacket
Sys625697_name_pluralCapas pegajosasSticky Jackets
Sys625697_shortnoteUna capa pegajosa rodea el cuerpo, lo que imposibilita lanzar ataques.The body is covered by a sticky sheath which prevents attacks.
Sys625699_nameVeneno de serpiente potenteIntense Snake Poison

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