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Sys626069_shortnote[DOR_2019_THANKFS_WR01|El avestruz os ha divisado. ¡Utilizad [491766|Grito] para distraerlo!][DOR_2019_THANKFS_WR01|The ostrich has noticed you. Use "[491766|Cry]" to relieve his doubts!]
Sys626070_shortnote[DOR_2019_THANKFS_WR02|El avestruz se ofende. ¡Utilizad [491767|Batir de alas] para pacificarlo!][DOR_2019_THANKFS_WR02|The ostrich feels insulted. Use "[491767|Flap Wings]" to calm him!]
Sys626071_nameOfensivoGung Ho
Sys626071_shortnote[DOR_2019_THANKFS_WR03|No le caéis bien al avestruz. ¡Utilizad [491768|Paso lento] para ganaros su respeto!][DOR_2019_THANKFS_WR03|The ostrich doesn't like you. Use "[491768|March]" to gain respect!]
Sys626073_nameDibujado con éxitoDrawing successful.
Sys626074_nameDisfraz de avestruz doradoGolden Ostrich Disguise
Sys626074_shortnoteVestid como un avestruz. Este atuendo es pesado y huele un poco a moho, pero viene con un hechizo de frío para no sudar dentro. Aumenta la velocidad de movimiento en un (Buff0) %.Disguise yourself as an ostrich. This disguise is heavy and smells musty, but is at least equipped with a cold spell so you won't sweat under it. Increases movement speed by (Buff0)%.
Sys626075_namePoción de transformación: Donichuka de sombrero verdeTransformation Potion - Green-Hatted Donichuka
Sys626075_shortnoteOs habéis transformado en un [109679|Donichuka de sombrero verde].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Fuerza] + (Buff0)%\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_AGI|Destreza] + (Buff1)%You've turned into a [109679|Green-Hatted Donichuka].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] + (Buff0)%\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_AGI|Dexterity] + (Buff1)%
Sys626076_namePoción de transformación: Donichuka de sombrero azulTransformation Potion - Blue-Hatted Donichuka
Sys626076_shortnoteOs habéis transformado en un [109680|Donichuka de sombrero azul].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Fuerza] + (Buff0)%\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_AGI|Destreza] + (Buff1)%You've turned into a [109680|Blue-Hatted Donichuka].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] + (Buff0)%\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_AGI|Dexterity] + (Buff1)%
Sys626077_namePoción de transformación: Donichuka de sombrero amarilloTransformation Potion - Yellow-Hatted Donichuka
Sys626077_shortnoteOs habéis transformado en un [109681|Donichuka de sombrero amarillo].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Fuerza] + (Buff0)%\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_AGI|Destreza] + (Buff1)%You've turned into a [109681|Yellow-Hatted Donichuka].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STR|Strength] + (Buff0)%\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_AGI|Dexterity] + (Buff1)%
Sys626078_namePoción de transformación: Guardián gigante de hielo férreoTransformation Potion - Frosted Iron Giant Guardian
Sys626078_shortnoteOs habéis transformado en un [109682|Guardián gigante de hielo férreo].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Resistencia] + (Buff0)%You turned into a [109682|Frosted Iron Giant Guardian].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Stamina] + (Buff0)%
Sys626079_namePoción de transformación: Guardián gigante de amatistaTransformation Potion - Amethyst Giant Guardian
Sys626079_shortnoteOs habéis transformado en un [109683|Guardián gigante de amatista].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Resistencia] + (Buff0)%You turned into an [109683|Amethyst Giant Guardian].\n[SC_SKILLTIPS_STA|Stamina] + (Buff0)%
Sys626080_namePoción de transformación: Guardián gigante de cobre mateTransformation Potion - Tarnished Copper Giant Guardian

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